Video Surveillance Robot

Imagine if you have a robot that has camera on board and can be controlled through the Internet.

It would open a lot of opportunities of using it. For example, you could send the robot to the kitchen to check if you accidentally left the kettle on the stove! 

I have been experimenting using ESP32-CAM development boards and found that with ESP32-CAM it can be done easily. 

The ESP32-CAM is a very small camera module with the ESP32-S chip that costs approximately $10-$15.

The ESP32-CAM module can be programmed with Arduino IDE. The ESP32-CAM module also has several GPIO pins to connect to external hardware.

So, let's get started!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Hi @konsdor and welcome to our forum!

You posted great project and thank you for the thorough explanation with videos and images!

What was the overall cost of your project?

And also, is there an app available for Android phones?

About $50, but over 50% of the cost was the cost of the robot chassis. You can find something much cheaper.
Only fo iOS fo far.


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Nice! Well done project. And it includes videos - an almost rare occurrence these days.

Really nice robot. And excellent presentation. Thank you for sharing, I’m sure it took a lot of time.