Vagabundo - my TI Launchpad wanderer

Hey there, this is my wanderer robot based on TI Launchpad, it builds on a tip about reading distances that come encoded in pulse width that i posted earlier.

The wheels are 2 cds with some rubber stripe hot glued to make tires.

I modified 2 micro servos for continous rotation and use those to drive the wheels.

The boddy is an old tupperware box. 

My objective is to make it a vacuum cleaning robot, so i will start experimenting with floor coverage algorithms.

Here's the idea:


Wanders around, avoids walls via ultrasound, will clean the floor

  • Actuators / output devices: 3x micro servo (2 modified for continuous rotation)
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: TI Launchpad (MSP430G2211)
  • Power source: 3x AAA (works on 2X AAA as well)
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: Maxbotix EZ1 sonar
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

that’s a seriously large

that’s a seriously large image…

but anyhow - floor covereage algorithms! yes please!

I’ve been tinkinering with this idea for a while - and trying to run some simulations etc. i’d be keen to know what you come up with.

I’m not sure that I follow your “idea” as such, but I’ll be keeping an eye on your developments…

Sorry about the image

Sorry about the image size. 

It’s fixed now. :slight_smile:


De-throne the Roomba! Love to see robovacs, it warms my heart. Collected.

This is great. You should

This is great. You should enter it for the 43oh contest. Is there anyway you could share the code? I put up a  blog post about it and our readers would be very interested.
