Unitree GO2 Robot Comparison: How to choose the right quadruped robot for you

Unitree Robotics, a company specializing in legged robots, has made significant strides in the field of quadruped / four legged robotics with its Go2 series. Not long ago, only the largest research company, Boston Dynamics, as well as research institutions were able to create full sized quadruped “dogs” which could move around. The Go2 is one of if not the first affordable robots of this size and versatility sold to the general public. These robots are designed to navigate and interact within various environments, showcasing advanced mobility and adaptability. The Go2 series includes multiple models, each tailored to specific applications and user needs.


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/blog/show/comprehensive-unitree-go2-robot-comparison