Troubleshooting ESC Calibration

Thanks for your reply! Yes, we took the PWM signal wire from that ESC and moved it to a different port on the power board, while leaving the ESC’s black and red wires in the same ports. Then we armed the copter and pushed up the throttle and it began spinning without a problem.


Ok - It could be an issue of signal then.
It seems that One port do not arm / turn the ESC …?

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Yup, that’s exactly what’s happening. Here’s a short video portraying what is wrong.

The ESC is powered, and when I plug the signal wire into port 5 (which is one of the working ports), it powers on just fine. But then when I move the signal wire into port 8 (which is the one that doesn’t work), it doesn’t make any startup sound.

Let’s verify some things first:

  • Have you loaded a profile which use the Motor8 output ? Otherwise it will not output anything.
  • In the WinGUI, when arming, do you see all motor outputs set to the “Min Command” ? This should confirm you that MultiWii is actually sending a signal to that output.
  • Since this cable is not populated at the factory in the Motor Harness, make sure it is fully inserted in the connector and if you have the ability to test the conductivity at either sides it would be great. Maybe you have a defective cable.

I’m pretty sure I have a proper configuration loaded. Here is a copy of my configuration folder in the AppData/Local/Quadrino Tools/Profiles folder: (1.2 MB)

I’m pretty sure that MultiWii is sending the proper signal. Here is a screenshot of MultiWii when it is armed and the throttle is at its minimum position:

Finally, I just tested continuity between the signal pin of port 8 on the power board, and the end of the corresponding pin on the wiring harness that plugs into the flight controller. Those are connected to each other perfectly.


That’s perfect, it does clarify a lot of possibilities.
One thing i am unsure is the calibration of the ESC’s in an Octo configuration.

After some investigations here, the ESC calibration using MultiWii only seems to work on Motor 2/3/5/6.
We found the issue in the calibration file which was set to “QuadX” so only calibrate the 4 motor for a Quadcopter.

The file have been updated

So our suggestion is to re-do the ESC calibration with the file above and work from there.


I just tried MultiWii calibration using that new file, and something different does happen, but still, that eighth motor isn’t spinning. When the flight controller is powered and the battery is plugged in at the same time, it makes the normal three quick startup beeps, but the difference is is that it usually makes 2 slower beeps immediately after the three quick startup ones. When calibrating with this file, it paused for about 7 seconds between making the three quick beeps and the two slower beeps. Then, after flashing normal firmware back onto the flight controller, I push the throttle up and still only 7 of the 8 are spinning.

The “calibration” side should be good now.
Regarding the motor that’s not spinning, i would increase the “Min Command” value in the FCT slightly and test.

I changed the “Min Command” value in FCT from 1000 to 1010, the ESC powered on just fine, but still, only 7 of the 8 motors were spinning.

I then tried increasing it again to 1050. Then I plugged in the battery and the ESC’s made the normal 3 quick beeps, but then only made 1 slower beep instead of the 2 that it normally makes. When I Armed the copter and pushed up the throttle, none of the motors spun.

I then reverted the value back to 1000 and the 7 motors started spinning just fine again, but that 8th one still isn’t spinning.

After all that i can see two potential issues:

  1. Connections between the Quadrino Nano and the PDB is not good. (either the cable or connectors)
  2. Quadrino Nano has something bad happened to it’s output and it’s broken.

Can you test out the Quadrino Nano with the supplied wiring harness without the PDB ?

I took that cable that is in the middle in the picture that you sent above and I added the 4 other wires to it. I then replaced the connection between the signal wires of the ESC and the flight controller with that harness. I then armed the drone and pushed up the throttle and still only 7 of the 8 propellers spun. It was still motor #8 that wasn’t spinning.


This topic was transferred to internal RobotShop Support.


Ok - So it looks like you have an issue with the Quadrino Nano itself. The output for this motor could be broken.
In those situation we send only the “PCB” which is easy to replace by the user by opening the casing.

Our RMA department will get in touch with you.

All the best,

Just curious if the problem got solved ?

Hi dialfonzo!!

I tried to post this on the forum but it wouldn’t let me because the topic is closed, but I wanted to say thanks so much for seeing this problem all the way through, we wouldn’t have been able to get it solved without you! Not only did we get everything fixed and up and running, everything is now fully operations and we are working on upgrading everything rather than repairing it!

Here’s a video of it in flight, let me know what you think!
Video Link

The next step for us is to add on some retractable landing gear and then a few small led lights around the outside!

Thanks again so much!

I’ve re-open the topic so it’s easier for both of us.
Nice flight and happy to know it worked.

Hi everyone,

I’m working on calibrating my ESCs for an octocopter setup with the Quadrino Nano flight controller. I’ve been trying to find the file “Quadrino Nano - ESC Calibration V1.1.h” to help resolve some issues I’m having with the calibration process. From what I’ve gathered, this file is crucial for proper ESC calibration in setups with more than four motors, but I haven’t been able to locate it.

Does anyone have a direct download link for this file, or can point me in the right direction? I’ve checked the usual forums and GitHub but haven’t had any luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Hi Ivan,

It seems like the file has a broken link, I’ve just fixed it.

The link in the guide now works…!!

I’ve also added the file to the Wiki page:

All the best,

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