This one can run

i want to build a maze walking robot(no wheel) with the minimum number of drivers.
this thing refer the standard 2motors BEAM walker,but the  core is a arduino compatible nano and 2 servos,including 2 feelers & 1 IR module,semi control(autonomous or remote).

it is simple but so much fun.i like play with it more than previous made 9dof tortoise bot.
the gait method that i used is some kind of programmed software 'Bicore',very effective.
it can turn&reverse&move fast.



This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I love this kind of robots,

I love this kind of robots, i played a lot trying to get the best walk.
It depends a lot on the hardware, but i found ~30° speed and 200ms between front and back more effective.
One of the use of the feelers can be to step on things; one feeler is pointed at floor, and when it detects a step it raises the step width and increases the time between steps, to climb the obstacle.

Details please
Please provide more details and pictures. Looks too good for just a 2 paragraph writeup.

build steps,no senser added yet.

good idea

low-tech mechanics feeler even more handy than advance sensor!

Looks like a good start.

This looks like a good start to an interesting bot and I like the simplistic approach, do you have any video of it in action yet?