The TROLLER 1D - New Prototype Test Video

The TROLLER 1D is my newest robot project.  The concept uses a series of simple 'links' to make up the TROLLER.  Its locomotion can be similar to that of a caterpillar or snake while laying flat, but the novel concept is that it can roll itself into a large circle and still propel itself (like tank treads) by shifting links in the proper sequencing.  

Right Top: Video demonstrating the TROLLER 1D prototype.

 To the right is a video of the initial servo controls test.  I plan to verify and finalize the design before joining the three units together and developing the rolling algorithms.

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The other video (below right) is of the original prototype testing from earlier this spring.

Below is drawing showing the newest CAD layout and the design I'm putting together now.  

Below are the first 4 links, This is the Master Control Link Group.  It consists of a battery back, 4 servos, a Pololu Maestro controller, and the Arduino Mega master controller with an MPU-6050 Initerial Measurement Unit.  I'm also trying out a Wixel Pair for wireless communication and programming of the Arduino.  



Currently I have assembled acomplete second iteration of the prototype (shown above).

The goal is to refine the crude prototype design into a functional robotic product kit.  The first version will be the TROLLER 1D.  This version of TROLLER will only be capable of moving along 1 dimension.  By limiting the focus of this project to a single dimension, I will be able to perfect the initial two concepts --'Propulsion by Self Rolling' and 'Crawling'.

Propulsion by Self Rolling works by shifting the links in sequences to rotate itself around the perimeter.  To refine this concept the TROLLER 1D will use motion sensing capabilities like the sensors found in a Wii remote (accelerometers  and gyroscopic sensors).  These sensors will allow the control programming to learn how to roll at different speeds, how to change directions, and how to transition into crawling mode.  Crawling propulsion will be achieved by mimicking the movements of a caterpillar.  Proper sequencing of the servos will allow smooth transitioning. 

A robot that can crawl or turn into a circle and roll itself around for locomotion.

  • Control method: Arduino Mega, Wixel, Qty 3 Pololu Micro Serial Servo Controllers
  • Power source: Qty 3 - 7.2V 2200mAh Battery
  • Programming language: C, LabVIEW, ABB's RobotStudio

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

looks awsome

damn this lol robot looks awsome :smiley: im really looking forward to see more progress :smiley:

Can you share with us the design files so we can build in our shelf ,propably print the pieces on a 3d printer or cut them on a laser cutter we have?

**This is absolute genius! **

This is absolute genius! 

Wicked concept!!

Wicked concept!!

Thanks for the kind words and feedback!


I’ll try to address several comments here.

I did get it to roll all the way around once, it wasn’t very smooth and hit kinda hard and then stripped out a servo.  It really needs some motors with a little more torque (which is why I just started a Kickstarter project for it).

The design isn’t quite ready to be shared; it is going to be drastically revised.  I learned a lot building and testing it so far.  It needs to be wider so it’s more stable, better wire routing (with places to zip tie), distributed locations for battery packs (to balance the weight), and probably add a WiFi interface to control it.


Thank you for the kind words, I’m looking forward to refining the design and figuring out how to program it.

Nice concept. Is it already

Nice concept. Is it already working? Do you have videos to show us the rolling or crawling?



When I read your comment

When I read your comment about stripping a servo the first thing that came to mind was these magnetic servo clutches. Not sure if you can get them in the size required to suit the servos you already have, but it might be worth looking into.

Fantastic project, really interested to follow the continued development =)

Mag Clutch

I really like the idea of using a clutch. I will look into that some more.  Thanks for the suggestion!

Is this guy going to be trolling the forums? :stuck_out_tongue:


I wonder how you are able to tell those servos to co-orporate all at once!

Wow, this is rather
Wow, this is rather impressive. There are many people who feel that they are mechanically inclined enough to make something like this work who can truly learn a lot from you. Thank you for sharing.


Building robots like a stallion is something that a lot of people want to do but somehow they can't figure out how to make them work properly without training.


Ok herei is what I can see from the video .

I think that the weight of the robot is not distributted well .

My idea is to split the electronics that are on the top of the robot in 4 all around the legs of the robot.

That way it will be easier for it to roll and move around.

Also you can use a neural network or many of them, to let the robot learn to move on its own(with a liitle guidance of you ofcourse),

if you are fammiliar with that kind of stuff(im not yet ).


Thanks for the input. I’m

Thanks for the input.  I’m already planning some of that.   The parts I’m making now are 3 groups of 4 links (12 small links total), I’m using 3 batteries, 3 distributed servo controllers, one Arduino Mega, and an IMU unit.  The weight will be evenly distributed around the circle.  The initial focus will be on making whole thing roll up and move back and forth.

I should have it together and ready to start testing over the next two weeks.  I’m getting anxious!  ;-)


will the plastic parts stl files released so some of us can build something simmilar or the same and develop it on their needs ?

I’m not sure yet. I’ve had

I’m not sure yet.  I’ve had some inquires about possible commercialization but I still have much work to do on the design to make it work reliably before I could continue that discussion or openly release them.  I’ll figure that out as I get furthur along.  

Excellent! really original

Excellent! really original good job.

anothe one

Another idea came to my mind .

I see in the video that the robot struggles to keep the structure in the circle shape .

So what I thought is why dont you add couple of  magnets at the end of the feet so they can assist the link between the two

legs when the robot gets the circle shape in order to roll ?

hey man…hahahahaha…i

hey man…hahahahaha…i almost scream with that… spectacular…awesome… a robot like that could work on the special forces, in army, im not telling jokes, i really think that, i see special skills to climb up things, like structures.... dont you mean in something like that?