The Stray

I started an new robot project which will be a long time project. The base is the 4WD chassies with 4 gear motors.

The first stage is to attach the Dagu IR compound eye on the pan tilt set in front.

There will be one or more ultra sound sensors or infrared sensors to check the proximity.

My first choice for the brain is the Dagu Spider controller since I probably need more I/O pins than a Arduino Uno/Duemilanove can provide.

To keep in touch with the robot car I will use the mini Wi-FI router TL WR703N running OpenWRT

Equipped with an USB host port, an ethernet port (RJ45) I am able to attach a webcam directly to the router and send the stream to the network. The cable you see in the picture is already attached to the TX and RX pins of the router. Right now I am trying to figure out all possibilities to connect the router with the Spider controller or/and witht the network.

Also I will include a remote controlling program which will be activated and override the autonomus programming (not the self protecting behavior) as soon as the bluetooth is receiving a "go".

Additional the robot will seek light and charge the batteries when moving or resting. I am working on a solar tracker and will attach it to the chassies when done and working.

Wheel encoders, a compass module and other methods to measure his location, maybe a gripper and still not yet known things will be part of the robot with no name the name "The Stray" :-)

UPDATE Sep 10:

Since I was busy for weeks (Campus Party, Project ALF & Swarmbots in our local hackerspace) and also have a family the "Stray" was collecting dust. Now I reactivated it and working @ a solution for the compound eye. The first code gives me already some good output which I still have to convert to servo movement (right now it's just outputted via LED's for debugging) -> Yeah I love those LED's for debugging...even that I got two LCD's lying around :-) Code and pictures will follow.

UPDATE Sep 11:

I got the compound eye is attached to the servo mount now (Note to myself: Need to find a better solution since the servo stays upright and the eye should be mounted horizontially). The code I used is this one: Arduino code for DAGU compound eye (thanks A1200, i grabbed the code and attached it to my project in case something happens with your comment there). Why invent the wheel again. This code is working for my setup just fine (maybe need to tweak that for my needs later). As the brain I used the DAGU Red Back Spider Controller, a very nice piece of a board.

The eye on the servo pan tilt mount is performing good. Movements with hand are not that stable but a piece of paper or a carton causes a very stable and smooth movement.

NOTE to the CODE: OddBot told me that the code is not complete. I will later update the file with the original code from OddBot's Mr. General.


This weekend is time to proceed with the Stray. Now my first Aluminium work on a robot. I built a case for the DAGU compound eye. As pictures says more than a thousand words, here you go...

Cut from 1mm Aluminium sheet ( a bit too thick for my opinion)

Sanded the sharp edges after cutting.

Used tools so far.

To bend the short side I used this tool. The long sides I bent with the vice (sorry, no picture)

Drilled the holes with a Dremel like tool and attached the whole thing on the pan tilt mount. The standoff's are for the compound eye.

The cutout in the bottom is for the pins, as you see in the next picture.

Compound eye is safe in the box now.

For my frist Aluminium work after decades I need to improve my skills. Better taking care of the bending edge since this radius has to be added when cutting the piece. Now the LED's are looking out but the plan was to keep them "inside" the case.

I kept the plastic coating on the inside for insulation reasons.

UPDATE 2 Oct 7:

Di still some soldering today. Started with the motor driver board. It will contain two L293, one for the two motors on each side, somefancy blue LED's (just to indicate that the motors are running forward), a 5V regulator L7805 and the header terminal is for a LCD with not yet decided data output.

Upper side with some of the components. 2x L293, 1x L7805, 2x LED blue wth resistor, 1x header terminal for LCD.

Bottom side (not that interesting as it's not finished yet). be continued...


Not sure yet

  • Actuators / output devices: Motors & Accessories > Gear Motors
  • Control method: autonomus & bluetooth
  • CPU: Arduino Mega (Spider controller)
  • Operating system: Arduino IDE
  • Power source: 11.1V LiPo or 5x AA + 8x AA
  • Programming language: Arduino ide
  • Sensors / input devices: SHARP IR sensor, compass, SRF04, IR Compound Eye, Solar panel, light sensor
  • Target environment: indoors/outdoors/small areas

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I like the head/neck set up.

Good project so far.

Can’t wait to see how it turns out.

Nice project!!!

Very interesting project!!

This tiny router is really cool and cheap. You know how much is signal range of this router?

Nice one!!

And I completely agree about the nice head and neck setup.

There! The TL WR703N. What a finding.

There! The TL WR703N. Researched about it. What a finding you have here, Lumi.

This gives us a next level of communication without bothering the on-board Arduino with it. Live video from little robots.

Thank you for this detail.

Bi-Directional and Switched?

You write “Right now I am trying to figure out all possibilities to connect the router with the Spider controller or/and with the network.”. 

As you now have a stream from the robot to the world and therefore you have a wireless router on-board why not using this technology the other way around. From the world to the robot. Good idea, Lumi.

Does that imply that you use an Ethernet Arduino, an UDP/IP or TCP/IP stack and have a switch on-board of the robot?

Thanks guys

@Joe: Thanks, but this is a long time project…u need to wait :slight_smile:

@JRodrigo: I did not max it out but it’s enough to cover an area of 200m2 indoors with pillars, metal shelfes, other Wi-Fi networks etc. But you hit the point…need to check this :wink: thanks for reminding me.

@vishu: Thanks

@Nils: Yep, that router is pretty cheap and small enough for our robots. My goal is to communicate with the robot through a webbrowser and/or Wi-Fi. for now i discovered that it has a RX/TX port. I did not have the time to set it up with an Arduino yet. The only I/O pin it has is the power/status LED :wink: We already us it in the hackerspace to lock/unlock the machine room door via webbrowser. But I probably will use an ethernet shield to communicate with the main controller board.

Looks like a great start!

I can’t wait to see the pan tilt w/ compond eye in action!

I’m using the same router

I’m using the same router for my robot.

Have you thought about doing i2c on it yet?  I think that is who I wanna communicate with sensors and other stuff but haven’t tried hacking the gpio pins for it yet.

Yes i did think about that.

Yes i did think about that. However, my limited time does not allow fast progress. I am still reading through this[]=ar9331 and related posts. But for sure I will keep this Blog updated as soon as I get something.

This link

might be useful to some of you using that small router in your projects.

Thanks bird, just today I

Thanks bird, just today I found this website too :slight_smile: Nice little extender board. 

Wow that is awesome, I

Wow that is awesome, I should contact him and ask him if he would ship one to me.


Might I ask where I’d find those servo brackets you used?

The brackets are from

The brackets are from

TL WR703N running OpenWRT

TL WR703N running OpenWRT looks very popular with its tiny size and interface ^_^

Yes it is. I hope to find a

Yes it is. I hope to find a bit more time to learn more about this OpenWRT. The size is really perfect for the use in our robots and the functionality can be improved too.

**arduino interacting with the router via serial ! **

Wow, I didn’t know this low-cost router !

That’s cool since openwrt can be uploaded and according to , it draws only 100ma after boot.

The serial on the router could be used to interact with the arduino directly (using shell scripts ) thus expanding space for code ! I guess robots could easily carry the router and use it as wifi clients communicating with other AP, this could replace the arduino wifi shield.

Very nice projet, thnks  !!!


Right now I am just

Right now I am just calibrating the compiound eye. Later I need to install the DAGU Spider controller and the motor controller. I guess the router will be one of the next tasks after that, maybe hacked with an WR-703N extention board

Tip: you don’t need to take

Tip: you don’t need to take care on the bending radius if you bend the aluminium always to the side where you made the marking lines. Mostly something must fit in a box, not the box in something else :slight_smile: