
Hi all,

First of all Yellow Drum Machine was my source of inspiration and after looking at all other users I have started making a Tank Servo Bot. I have just completed assembling the Tankservo bot kit from budget robotics. Currently working on assembling USB Picaxe28X1 module board (still waiting on the picaxe28x1 chip (alomost a week after ordering). My fellow robot hobbymate Duane (Octobot2) lended me one of his spare picaxe28x1 chip. Thank you Duane.

Will keep posting ...Good to join the group...

Thank you all.Atthaced is the new pic for sprocket and wheel.

  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Power source: 2- 4 AA batteries (4 RECHARGABLE FOR CPU AND 4 1.5V AA FOR SERVOS)
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/tankservobot

Nice looking little bot so
Nice looking little bot so far.

cool, I like that chassis, I

cool, I like that chassis, I saw it on the budget robotics site while I was ordering my octobot. Did it go together well? As soon as the month is up Im going to order one of casca’s tankbot chassis. (wife made me promise not to spend any more on robots this month!) My next bot will be a casca-based drum machine :slight_smile:


I still think that you

I still think that you should have bought a RED one. :slight_smile:


:slight_smile: Can’t wait to see the
:slight_smile: Can’t wait to see the finished bot!

nice job! i wanted to make a

nice job! i wanted to make a similar thing with my continuous servos but i don’t know how to. how did you attach the servo to the gears? (i know there are adapters but i’d have to order them)

(i can’t really understand from the picture how you did that) :slight_smile:

Servos look mounted by
Looks like he just bolted the wheels to the output disc of the servo. Really simple and reliable. Also very easy to repair.

wait wait, looking more
wait wait, looking more carefully at them, the orange gears really look like those standard wheels by tamyia, which i managed to screw to my servos. i think i’ll give them a go too!

**Wheels and sprocket **

THe kit came with the tamiya wheels and sprocket for it. I have to use 2 supplied screws and nuts for each wheel to attach the sprocket on to the wheel. Then fit the wheel on the servo motor and tighten it with a screw (black).

I am attaching a new picture to show this

i am concerned about the way
i am concerned about the way you attach it to the servo. are you using a 4 horns servo horn (these are the “horns” i’m talkig about http://www.futaba-rc.com/parts/futm1980.html) or a 6 horns one?

sprocket and wheel

The kit came with a total of 2 circular horns for 2 wheels.

The link you gave has it.

below is the link



Below is the link for assorted servo horns pack.




Yeah the directions are not that great but it took more than 20mins to assemble (as they mentioned)

ahh , got it! thank you :slight_smile:
ahh , got it! thank you :slight_smile:

You need to update your

You need to update your photos here. :slight_smile:

What you showed me at work today was a BIG improvement. I liked what I saw, and I am envious. :frowning:

You need to share your progress.

(for the rest of you, PSR_177 and I work together) He’s the one that hooked me on the hobby robot thing.

One day, I’ll have to open up a big can of NC whup-ass on him. :slight_smile:

Duane S

new pics

Ok Duane,

See the attachment for more pics…

i am curious about the code

i am curious about the code you’ll be using to drive those servos (as far as i know they need a loop to work).

since i got a spare picaxe i could use that as a dedicated motor driver, that makes everything easier, but what are you planning to do?

about servos

I am using a PICAXE 28X1 controller.

I am using a output pin in series with 330 Ohm resistor for the signal/command to the R/C servo motor (which is modified for continous rotation). It has 3 wires Red (6VDC), Black (0 VDC/common) and White (for 5vdc control signal. on some servos it is orange wire).

To initiate the servos I am using servo 3, 75 (this will send a pulse of 0.75ms to output pin3 for every 20ms).

After this I am using servopos 3,120 (this command will move the servo to position 120).

Depending on what position you command the servo it will rotate in clockwise or Counter Clockwise direction.

For more information refer to Servopos command in Picaxe manual2.


CaptainTuna, It can be done


It can be done as you suggest, but there is a much simpler way.

It’s so simple, compared to some motor control methods. I use the servo command to initilaize the servos in my initialization routine, and then the servopos command to control them in the program.

Once called, the servopos command operates in the background, with no loop required.

Read about the servo and servopos command in the Piacaxe Manual 2 for the basics, but they don’t talk about servos for continuous rotation.

With R/C servos that have been modified for continuous rotation, a pulse value of 150 supposedly is STOPPED. If you want the servo to rotate CCW, you send it a command less than 150. For example, 145 might be slow CCW. If you want the servo to rotate CW, you send it a command greter than 150. For example, 155 might be slow CW.

In practice, it seems that the stopped value depends all on the particular modified servo. I’ve seen 4 where STOPPED turned out to be between 130 and 135. If you’re willing to work on the servo, you can correct this. I prefer to just find where STOPPED is by a little experimentation, and adjust my speed commands from there.

Duane S

Wilson, North Carolina USA

P.S. I see that PSR_177 was replying at the same time that I was.

video for tankbot
I am in the process of adding video1

oh btw i bought my tank
oh btw i bought my tank threads today, but the shafts provided are way too short. Next week i’ll buy the shafts set. But i am happy as i managed to stick the drive sprocket to my servo horn. :=)