
actually i never tried

actually i never tried servopos, and i think it’s gonna be my choice since, as you just said, it works in background (that’s what i was concerned about).

as for the commands, no problems with those. My servo even has a pot that i can turn so that i can get it to stop at any value. cool :slight_smile:


EDIT: i still don’t get it. i have also checked the manual but “servopos” still looks to me very similar to “servo”. Could you post the code you are using to make your servos move? (without using a loop of course)

according to the manual “servo” should send some pulse every 20ms anyways. wouldn’t that be enough? Can’t understand properly … :smiley:

I like the bot! Of some
I like the bot! Of some reason I want to add light-detecting… arh, FritsLDR (embarresed to use the name myself :wink: to it, it sort of has the base going I recon :slight_smile:

CaptainTuna,The PICAXE


The PICAXE manual 2 really is your friend.

If you read VERY carefully, they explain the difference between servo and servospos.

From the manual:

"The ‘servo’ command initialises the pin for servo operation and starts the timer.

Once a pin has been initialised, it is recommened to use the ‘servopos’ command

to adjust position. This prevents resetting of the timer, which could cause ‘jitter’"


init: servo 4,75 ‘ initialise servo

main: servopos 4,75 ‘ move servo to one end

pause 2000 ‘ wait 2 seconds

servopos 4,225 ‘ move servo to other end

pause 2000 ‘ wait 2 seconds

goto main ‘ loop back to start

Duane S

Wilson, North Carolina USA

i have read that many

i have read that many times…but if i just use the “servo 4,75” command it will do nothing really…maybe there’s something else going wrong.

i can manage to make it work with servopos yea, but by looping it!

and as i said before i know the difference between servo and servopos now, but as far as i understood, the manual says i could in fact make it work by only using the “servo” command (since it initialises it and sends pulses every 20ms) but that doesn’t work.

i’ve also tried the “servo 2,75” “servopos 2,75” combo but still nothing.

Sorry if this is stupid, had

Sorry if this is stupid, had not time to read it all… but I guess you have tried to write servo "4, 150". (If it is @"75" already, nothing will happen… :slight_smile:

i’ll precise that mine was

i’ll precise that mine was just a silly try (you know, i was frustrated and wanted to try everything that came into mind). But remember we are talking about continuous rotation servo.

from the parallax documentation: (this is how it would work on a basic stamp, although the code is very similar to picaxe basic)

SYMBOL Servo_pin = 0
PULSOUT Servo_pin,150
GOTO Start

"But remember we are talking
"But remember we are talking about continuous rotation servo" Oops, sorry :wink: I have never messed with them!

CaptainTuna,Sorry, I assumed


Sorry, I assumed that you were using a PICAXE. I can’t help you with Basic Stamp code because I have no experience with them.

Duane S

Wilson, North Carolina USA


Are you using Basic Stamp for this project ? or PICAXE?


i am using PICAXE !!! :smiley:
i am using PICAXE !!! :smiley: (28x1 to be precise) that basic stamp thing is just an example of how it would work in a loop, and i can also make it work the same way with my picaxe! but i don’t get how to make it work without loop.

Ill just continue not to

Ill just continue not to read or understand the thread, and come with my input never the less;

Have you had a look at the Picaxe command pwmout?

i guess i’ll conitune the

i guess i’ll conitune the discussion in the forums, will be much neater over there :slight_smile:

actually i never thought about using pwm for controlling the servo! thanks for the idea, i’m gonna try it tomorrow ( i am already using it for IR modulation so i know how it works, fortunately :slight_smile: )

anyways i will still continue the discussion elsewhere (as already stated) because i want to understand how these folks make it work.

Picaxe programming Editor For Mac

Hi all,

Recently I bought a new mac laptop and wondering if any body using Picaxe Programming Editor with MAc…

Thanks in Advance…


The picaxe programmer is

The picaxe programmer is windows only. If you have an intel based mac then I think you can use bootcamp to set it up to boot to windows.

Another solution would be a virtualized OS, using parallels or vmware fusion(recommended and works great) but those are not free. Unfortunatly there is no free vmplayer for the mac as of yet…I think it’s coming out soon. Since I don’t have a usb connector for the p-axe, I use my old laptop with a serial connector.


picaxe editor

Thanks Voodoobot…

I have a usb port on picaxe board…

I have to try bootcamp or vmware…

Picaxe editor

You also might give axepad for mac a try, I use windows, and I still use axepad for almost everything, I like the syntax colouring, and the simplicity.