Super Droid Bot "Anna" - w/ Learning AI

re: Lucy Project Access

I sent you the info to get started.  Let me know if you need anything else by (responding to my email).

Good luck,


Great new language
Great new language proccessing stuff.

I admire the way you get things done.

Thanks Jay

Thank Jay.

I’ve been fortunate to have a lot of time lately to work on things, I just can’t seem to find the time to work on my other bot!

re: Richard

I would love to hear about your experiences with simulating a neural network with a relational db.  If you have the time, it would be a great forum topic starter.

I was having similar thoughts a while back but I had no experience with neural nets and put it aside.  I would love to incorporate configurable neural nets into the A.I. so that a NN’s could be setup to look at some subsets of the inputs coming in to the A.I…like the thermal image or the sonar array…and output something that could be used to drive behavior.

I’m probably going to have to start adding additional PCs to the A.I. to divide the workload.  This NLP stuff can get intense in a hurry.  I would imagine NN’s would take the processing level to another level entirely.

How about another vid?
the last ones were over a year ago

re: Hermit

Will do.




Thanks Nadar,

Thanks Nadar, I am glad you liked it.  I did do it single handed, but several of the key parts (tracks, rotational base) came from lnyxmotion.  I think I spent around $700, without the phone, a lot of that was for tools, wiring, spare parts, etc. to get started.  It could be done cheaper I think, I wasn’t bargain shopping.  Other than the phone, the thermal array was the most expensive component.  The tracks and motor controller were gifts.  They would cost around $300.

Thanks for the positive words.  (be careful with that caps lock on the site…people think it’s yelling)



I’ll be more careful with

I’ll be more careful with capslock from next lime, thanks for the etiquette pointer. I got excited and didn’t go through the rules of the fourm.

Keep it up :slight_smile:

This is real nice work man !!!  Keep it up!!!

I’m glad you responded to my message today I now see all your updates!

In your message to me you said the brain was available online, can you give the link to the page where we can interact with it?



Quite Brilliant AI !anyway,

Quite Brilliant AI !

anyway, Do this has some stair climbing mechanism ?

re: Wired604

Send me an email to [email protected], and I’ll send you info for accessing a beta instance of the brain. It will end up being your robot, not Anna, so it will have a different set of personal memories and settings.

I don’t think so, though I
I don’t think so, though I suppose Martin could program it to ask somebody to lift it up/down the stairs. :slight_smile:

If the person won’t do it she could use her lasers to bother the person until they give in. :slight_smile:

I am always amazed at how small Anna is. With all she can do I expect her to be six feet tall! I know how small computers are and that much of Anna’s brain is offloaded onto a PC (and now maybe more than one), but still I think that such a neat robot must be big. Perhaps too much Hollywood movies.

While Anna the robot is neat
While Anna the robot is neat in and of herself, much of the real AI goes is offloaded onto a PC via wifi, I believe.

This would make it easier to do some experiments in AI with just a computer until you can build a robot to house things in.

re: DangerousThing

Yes Jay (DT),

You are correct…Anna would ask to go up stairs…I have long said that if a robot is indearing enough, people will help it out if it asks.

In the end, sadly, robots, if properly motivated, will be our overlords.  Since we have no privacy in the information age, ultimately, they will be able to manipulate (blackmail) us into doing anything they want us to.  We have no secrets anymore, it’s simply a mattter of programming them to exercise their will.

I suppose we should always reserve the right to throw them out the window (Asimov, Heinlein, or Bradbury reference?).  Most people aren’t willing to throw their phones, computers, TVs, and games consoles, out the window though, despite the fact that their technology can and will spy on them…visually and otherwise.  It will be hard to throw a technology out the window to which we are becoming addicted.  It will be an interesting and perhaps tragic future.

All this from a question about stairs…really.


What an interesing Project. <br />I would like to use a lot of your techniques.

Is there any chance of a tutorial especially the AI part ?

Where did you get the Chassis and HW from? I am not good with building mechanical parts for a Robot which

is a rather large disadvantage.

Keep up this excellent work.


Thats incredible what you have disgned.

So how do i get this software for my robot?

re: Bonzadog

Thanks.  Most of the mechanical parts - the chassis with motors and tracks, and the rotating base for the head, came from lynxmotion.   You can find them at the Robot Shop or other sites.

A few black plastic project boxes came from RadioShack.  The sonar housings I built out of thin plywood.

As for a tutorial, I’ll put that one on my to do list…which sadly is long.  I have some overview doc (around 50 pages) that I could post, its not really a tutorial though.

re: remyseman

Thanks for the interest in Anna.  Right now you can access it through a website or an API…from a robot or mobile device.

At long last I have finally decided to open source the whole thing.  I’ve never done that before and so there are some things to figure out first.  I have a great deal of 3rd party libraries and data issues to figure out.  Its not really as simple as throwing a copy up on GitHub I think.  If anyone out there has experience with this and wants to assist by answering some questions I have, it might speed up the process of getting it done.

Once I do open source it, I’ll let you know.  In the meantime, you are welcome to use it.  Just contact me via my email that has been posted here or through the contact button on LMR.

Hi mtriplet I was

Hi mtriplet

   I was reading anna’s specifications and I was sorprendió by the thermal array. Can you tell us more about that? Which one did you use? And what other thing can you mention to someone that never  used one but wants to do the same you did with it?