Super Droid Bot "Anna" - w/ Learning AI



Your work is impressive.

I m CEO of company who develop the first real personnal robot. I like what you develop and I would like to discuss with you. I think we can find a way to collaborate.

Please contact me  :  [email protected] 


Great update

Great update Martin, I look forward to the next!
I havnt had much time to play with the online-brain as much as i’d like to (just little bits here and there)
But I can see this really going somewhere! 

Update time stamp

Nitpicking. I think you need to ask the robot what year it is.

re: Update time stamp

Thanks!  Looks like I made the same mistake in January too.  Damn senior moments are happening more and more frequently!

re: Great Update

Thanks man.  None of us have as much time as we want.  I guess that’s life.

When you come back to the site, it will ask you to register and it will create a robot personality for you.  Some of the old pages were deprecated, so just try to pull up the default.aspx page.  Let me know if you have any issues.  



Looking good.

Building this…

Do you have a blog of your build, would love to get some ideas of how the hardware and software are put together. Are you going to release your code for this or at least have some samples ?

This is very impressive work and you have done a great job, I look forward to following your progress.


No Blog as yet…I’ll keep you posted.

Hi John.  There is no blog as of yet.  I’ll keep you posted as things change.

I’ve been focusing on making the brain sharable as part of “Project Lucy”.  Part of that effort is a web site, a brain, an API, and some doc.  I will probably add something like a blog to it at some point.  I hope to release it in about a month, with some kind of code release to follow.  It’s a lot of projects and different libraries on 3 different types of platforms and languages, so its not going to be all that easy.

Send me a message with your name and LMR user name if you want access to the beta of the website before the release.  I’ll send you instructions via email.  You can see a lot of doc there and interact with the shared brain.


Very cool Martin, this

Very cool Martin, this visualization of robotic senses is such a cool field. Sci-fi scenes like Terminator scanning the environment and mapping all sorts of sensor data onto his vision made such an impression on me as a kid, great to actually get to build it. Also on navigation, can we split out a forum topic on this? I’m toying with this as well, and I find this field terribly challenging (localization, mapping, path planning, etc), I would love to learn more from other LMR members.

re: byerley

There are a lot of possibilities.  I tried overlaying thermal onto visual.  Compass headings or goal headings could be overlaid onto live video, like a heads up display in a fighter plane.  Some type of consolidated map that showed visual, heat, and sonar on top of known map features would be cool too…in some sort of 3Dish view I hope.

I am all for more spirited discussion of navigation.  In the meantime, I’ll try to get my pathfinding stuff available on the Lucy website so you can start trying it.  I still have dreams of better localization through visual landmarks.

Another form of joke
Cap’n Martin, you’ve been very busy.

Now to add to the jokes I’d suggest that for International Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19) you should have Anna talk like a pirate. :slight_smile:

There are a few websites where you can input normal language and have it returned piratical.

There is a wonderful song by Tom Smith on the day (

Then you could add other modalities, such as Talk Like Yoda, and talk like the Swedish Chef from the Muppits (there used to be, i the old days, a text only “cheferizer” which would turn normal text into his mock Swedish. The URL for this is:

Arrrrrr! A bork, a bork bork bork!



He dude you build a great robot!

Since when are you building this robot? I think it’s fantastic what you can do by your own. Are you working in any related robotics industry? It should be because the level of your robot is amazing!

It is really nice already, but I really look forward to see more development, interesting and funny videos on your development. Keep going and congratulations!

Re: Another form of joke

The Swedish Chef used to crack me up.  Yoda would be cool.  There used to be, probably still is, a service that would convert speech to jive.  That might be funny.

After I finish up this comedy stuff, I want to think more about speech driven by motives, with an extensive corpus around each motive.  Example…a motive to be funny results in more jokes.  A motive to be educational or impress others results in more factual statements.  A curiousity motive - more questions.  A love motive - more expressions of love.  Pride - more expressions of imagined self worth.  If you had a bunch of these and could experiment with adjusting the strengths of each and how they interact, a lot of interesting things might happen.

I just saw a movie the other day…“Ava”.  It was spanish with english subtitles.  I really identified with the robot work being done in it as it related to my work on Anna.  Worth watching.

Re: Congrats

I think I’m on my third year now.  My time has been spent 99% on software.  Sadly, I haven’t made any new videos in over a year.  I really need to, I just get too excited working on new features to take the time.  She’s a much better bot than what’s in those videos.

No industry…had a few inquiries from some interested.  On the bright side, I have really enjoyed following my passions unencumbered by bosses.

Very impressive. I’ve just

Very impressive. It’s going to take me some time to read through how you’ve got to where you are with this project. I’ve just started jotting down ideas for a very basic AI type program. I understand how difficult it is going to be for a rookie, but I am hoping to get working on it soon. I’m sure it’s the goal of all programmers, but I would really like to create some algorthms that can themselves create usable algorthms and modify them when success or positive feedback is achieved in some way. This has to be the path to true ai in my opinion. A computer that teaches itself. Oh well, I can but dream. Interested to see where this project goes.

re: person who is afraid of dan


I am a bit of a rookie too, a persistent one I think.  If you are into positive reinforcement learning, nhbill has been working on an algo that I believe will be extremely impressive.  I plan on implementing it as soon as practical.

My 2 cents…I would start with building a way to store and retrieve a multitude of memory types and basic verbal processing.

Good luck on your project.  It is great fun to do something like this.  If there is anything I can do to help, feel free to ask.


P.S.  Should I be afraid of Dan too?

Nice artificial intelligence robot!!!

Dear: mtriplett

Nice artificial intelligence robot. It is going to take me a while to read through the whole thing about how you got to where you are but nice robot. You should know my dad is working on several artificial intelligence robots. I am not sure which one he is working on at the moment but he is trying to learn artificial intelligence with python. I honestly think he needs some more expereince with electronics and mechanical but of course it had to be python. I too am also working on an artificial intelligence robot, a self navigating rover 5.  Anyways love your robot and the videos.

From: Noah

re: Noah

Thanks very much Noah,

That is so cool to have multiple robot makers in one family.  You are fortunate.  I was fortunate that my dad wrote software, so I started writing code in around the fifth grade and never stopped.  I too need more experience with electronics and mechanical.

Good luck, I look forward to seeing your creations.  Wish your dad good luck for me too.



Thank you.

Dear: mtriplett

Thank you for your kind words. Actually my dad is not a roboticist but a software engineer like your dad. Just like your dad he first got me into software engineering and while at the process I got him into robotics and eventually he got me into building robots. I saw videos on the internet of homemade robots and showed it to him that is when he got an LMR account. Eventually I got an LMR account and we are both roboticist. Anyways cool!!!

From: Noah

Robot key for Lucy project

Awesome work on Anna, I am currently working on a relational database to try and emulate a neural network. The biggest problem is starting over every time I get a new idea.I would love to experiment with the cloud AI, but I see it requires a key. Could you email me the key? Keep up the great work. I am just amazed at what you have done with Anna.

[email protected]

thank you
