Smart Doodle Bot - ES100 Group 5

ES100 Group 5 Final Project




Our class project was to construct a robot.

The requirements for the robot(as per project prompt):

-use an Arduino board

-play music

we programmed our robot to play "Ode to Joy" using a motor as a speaker


our robot will move forward, backwards, and turn left slightly 11 times

-program it to draw with a dry erase marker

we programmed our robot to draw a thunderbolt

-respond to a sensor input

if our ultrasonic sensor detects an object within 10cm, the robot will turn left sharply then turn right sharply

-spend no more than $100 on parts
















We used the sample code found at as a starting point to learn how to program our robot.



Play music, draw an image, and react via an ultrasonic sensor.

  • Control method: Arduino NG w/ ATmega8
  • Power source: 4 AAA batteries
  • Programming language: C++
  • Sensors / input devices: HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Ultrasonic Sensor

We noticed that at really short distances the ultrasonic sensor would not recognize the object in front of it. We believe this is because there is not enough room for the sensor to “hear” the echo if it is getting blocked by the object.