
Skydiver can move on the ground or be lifted on a weather balloon. During its whole mission the robot measures the background  resp. cosmic radiation and capture videos, which are stored on a micro SD card.

The body is a plastic lunch box, quite stabile and easy to drill. I have replaced the previous track platform by a RC buggy chassis:

The Geiger counter clicks will be transmitted by a hacked 0.5W walkie-talkie:

On its top of the robot will be a release mechanism mounted to seperate the robot from the weather ballon when the required altitude is reached (timer):

The parachute is made from Nylon and has a diameter of 1.5m:

The camera is mounted above the ping. The ultrasonic sensor and camera point downward during descent. I am planning to use two retrorockets, mounted on the robot, to decelerate the fall at the last few meters. The rockets are triggered by the ping. If the surface is reached (and the robot still not damaged), the parachute will be decoupled and ping and camera horizontal aligned before the robot continue its journey on the ground.

Skydiver hanging out:

Retrorockets mounted:

Geiger counter board finished:

More soon...

Sky dives

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 servos, 2 geared motors
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Power source: Li-Po 7.4V / 4000 mAh
  • Programming language: Basic
  • Sensors / input devices: SRF005, camera, Geiger counter
  • Target environment: Outdoors, sky

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

That’s a brave little bot

That’s a brave little bot. I hope the parachute will open when he makes his first jump.


Sweeet! Where do you get

Sweeet! Where do you get that epoxy sheet? 

A $500 meteorite?

Agreed, nuumio! May I suggest redundant parachutes for the stalwart Skydiver? I’d hate to see that pretty carbon fiber panel turn to pencil lead dust.

I get the epoxy sheet from a

I get the epoxy sheet from a local store at the Beijing Road :slight_smile:

Maybe some test runs with a

Maybe some test runs with a crash test lunchbox. You could fill it with something that will indicate how much force is received on landing. Something cool and high-tech. Like eggs. ; j

How are you tracking where

How are you tracking where it lands?

Hi Patrick,The rebot will be

Hi Patrick,

The robot will be released around 1km above ground and the parachute is quite big and should be visible. Additional the walkie-talkie  transmitter can be used as tracking device. I have then to mount a Yagi antenna on the second walkie-talkie.

Can you post some info on

Can you post some info on how you mounted the bin to the RC chassis? Also, what RC chassis is that?


What’s the range of the

What’s the range of the walkie talkie pair?

A few km without buildings

A few km without buildings between :slight_smile:

What RC Chassis did you use?

What RC Chassis did you use? I have a Losi Mini-Sprint I was thinking about doing some kind of Robot project with.

Nice project you have going there.

I don’t know which RC

I don’t know which RC chassis it is exactly. I got it second hand from a friend who is running a small model shop here in Shanghai, chassis plus motor controller for 40 bucks.