Simple Treaded Rrobot

My first robot MPU AtMega169(Butterfly dev kit) every information is attached in the uploaded files including source code 6 servos, 2 DC moters, radio modem(RS-232) and so on.

radio controled robot with arm

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 dc motors, 6 servos
  • Control method: radio(rs-232)
  • CPU: ATMega169
  • Power source: 4.14V Lithium Battery, 3 cell
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

That is so true

The arm looks good on this tracked bot. Interesting change from other tracked bots both for the arm and the tracks. I love the end of the video. It so does start with blinking leds. And a lot of beginners need to be reminded of this.

I think there are more and
I think there are more and more people who are trying to figure out how to build a robot so it is really amazing of you to offer this video. It looks great and thank you for sharing.


Building a robot is not for everyone but it is a pearl that most people could have a good time doing just because of the creativity used.

Loocking what others are able

Your encouraging words are really motivating, Thanks for comenting. I was long time thinking - to post this robot or not.