Simple maze solving robot

(Sorry for my english...) This is a simple maze solving robot that I made for an internal robotics competition on my university.

The maze was made with white lines on a black surface, and the robot must find the exit avoiding some obstacles (cubes of wood). If the robot detect an obstacle, it must turn back and recalculate a new way for find the exit.

The maze is previously known before the competitions start.

Some materials:

  • 6mm acrylic.
  • Black paint and foam.
  • 2 DC motors (recycled from 2 HP printers).
  • 2 wheels (rollers from printers).
  • 1 PIC18F2550
  • 1A dual DC motor driver
  • 11.1V 1500mAh LiPo Battery.




Solve a maze

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 dc motors
  • Control method: Atonomus
  • CPU: PIC18F2550
  • Power source: 11.1V 1500mAh LiPo Battery
  • Programming language: Basic
  • Sensors / input devices: Six I/R phototransistors, I/R modulated ligth detector at 38Khz.
  • Target environment: Indoor. On a specific scenario.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

How is the maze path stored

How is the maze path stored in your robots memory? In an array or some other interesting way?

Nice build btw. More pics please :slight_smile:


nice colour

cool colour…looks like a bat-mobile to me…did it win the 1st place?

Which are the line sensors

Which are the line sensors used?


The maze is stored in a


The maze is stored in a vector or array (1 dimension). Each intersection is represent by an element of the vector with a predefined number. For each intersection crossed by robot, the pointer is increased.

For example, the number 1 is a intersection for the right, the number 2 is for the left, the number 3 do nothing… If the robot detect an obstacle, the pointer jump to another position with the data for the new way.

 I will upload new photos soon.



Yes, 1st place + 150$ prize

Yes, 1st place + 150$ prize (aprox).  =)

I used 4 phototransistors

I used 4 phototransistors (like 5mm leds) with a white led to mantain the robot in the line, plus 2 phototransistors (from a old computer mouse) for the intersections. I did not have reflective sensors such as CNY70.

Congradulations for the

Congradulations for the contest :slight_smile: This is a great robot. Thanks for sharing.

Nice robot, I am wondering

Nice robot, I am wondering if it could run faster??

about the robot

nice robot :slight_smile: can i ask for the project files

need code

pls share code on [email protected]