Simple maze solving robot...

Posted on 11/07/2011 by aleel5
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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(Sorry for my english...) This is a simple maze solving robot that I made for an internal robotics competition on my university. The maze was made with white lines on a black surface, and the robot must find the exit avoiding some obstacles (cubes of wood). If the robot detect an obstacle, it must turn back and recalculate a new way for find the exit. The maze is previously known before the competitions start. Some materials: 6mm acrylic.Black paint and foam.2 DC motors (recycled from 2 HP printers).2 ...

Simple maze solving robot...

(Sorry for my english...) This is a simple maze solving robot that I made for an internal robotics competition on my university.

The maze was made with white lines on a black surface, and the robot must find the exit avoiding some obstacles (cubes of wood). If the robot detect an obstacle, it must turn back and recalculate a new way for find the exit.

The maze is previously known before the competitions start.

Some materials:

  • 6mm acrylic.
  • Black paint and foam.
  • 2 DC motors (recycled from 2 HP printers).
  • 2 wheels (rollers from printers).
  • 1 PIC18F2550
  • 1A dual DC motor driver
  • 11.1V 1500mAh LiPo Battery.




Solve a maze

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 dc motors
  • Control method: Atonomus
  • CPU: PIC18F2550
  • Power source: 11.1V 1500mAh LiPo Battery
  • Programming language: Basic
  • Sensors / input devices: Six I/R phototransistors, I/R modulated ligth detector at 38Khz.
  • Target environment: Indoor. On a specific scenario.
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