Sorry, but you are not getting the exponential growth factor in this
Code from Processing:
float Y = 214.7787009; // The input is Y, that is our variable float X = 1/(2*Y); // X is what we should be able to calculate (but not with that equation I am afraid) float ThisShouldTurnOne = X; // For programming reasons I am not re-using X, but a copy… That should turn (approx) 1, if all was well
for (int test = 0; test <Y; test = test +1){ ThisShouldTurnOne = ThisShouldTurnOne + ThisShouldTurnOne; println (ThisShouldTurnOne); }
// That goes bonanza, exponential growth is a hard ball - this example ends in overflow, which is a bit more than 1
X must be EXTREMELY small - It’s OK to only work it out with say Y=10, or instead of the result being 1, it could be a million. Just fixed (I can devide it down
How close do you think this is to anything Einstein said? Seriously, I am doing gravitational stuff, and it appears to look as if I’m backwards engineering him
Would I be correct in Would I be correct in guessing you are using this to identify which samples to examine from a universe of samples?
to achieve a certain reliability or satisfaction?
I knew it will happen again. Just commented here about “I am the smartest guy in the room” but have to face that I am not the one Seems Markus is beating all of us also when birdmun and TH did a great job trying to explain higher maths
For me it’s just another unknown miracle how people can calculate such things. Ok, I am not the worst in math as I instantly saw the funny thing in Markus’s example picture but if it’s going to be complicated then I am trying to seek for other solutions.
What do you want to achieve with that formula Frits?
I’m trying to set up some virtual invironment to match parts of observable / known universe - with the intent of testing that towards different theories my mind have (against my will: oh no, no more crazy ■■■■ to think about, just want a life). It’s theories of gravity not pulling but pushing… Not stuff that makes much sense, or is at a state where it can be presented in a comment here - I just cannot let go of some ideas sometimes, guess it’s whats makes me a nerd!
"So I want to know what Frits is planning with this calculation."
I just needed to be able to insert predicted gravity in time&space in an virtual invironment, while learning Processing, and having frantic spasms and tics. (Don’t ask me, nothing makes sense, I work and play by intuition
The number 1 is gravity 1 at “the edge” of a given object. Y is the distence to the object. X’s are amount of gravity, relative to 1 at the surface. My mind flew from space, and was now affected by X, as an object came closer. I knew the distance to the object, Y - but how much gravity should I feel, I was wondering The answer was X!
First of all, in math x=x+x makes no sense, because x=x+x <=> x=2x <=> 1=2 (contradiction).
If I understand Frits (admittedly horrible) description, it is the simple equation 2xy=1. Solving for x, we get x=1/(2y).
I see no any reason to use y as an exponent. This would lead to a logarithm equation. Your equation is only true for the special case y=2, because 2+2=22=4 and 2^2=4. But for example 23=6 and 2^3=8.