
Nice to meet you. I'm a hobbyist from Japan.

At first, I feel LMR is an awesome community !
There are a lot of unique and creative robots.
All of your works are really NICE !

There are no community like LMR in Japan.
I think there is a difference between the maker's culture of Japan and Western country.
But, we have the same spirit as you.


Today, I want to introduce my robot platform "Shellmo".

It will be too long to write all, so, I write unique points shortly.


Unique points of Shellmo

  • Shell:Shell is a face of Shellmo. You can exchange Shell to another Shell with ease.
  • MCSA structure: Motor, Core, Shell, Accessory. I separated Shellmo to these modules.
  • OpenSource: I think this is not special at here, But, almost robot kit are not opensource yet.
  • Printable: Almost parts (without electric parts) are printable.
  • Heart: A simple interface between Shellmo to us.
  • Decoration: An easy way to change a visual of Shellmo.
  • Micropede motor module: A walking module of Shellmo. Inspired by "Gakken Centipede".
  • Control with the phone: I made control apps for Android phone.
  • Kinetic eyes: I hacked Shellmo's eye for moving itself.


If you are interested, please see these also.

Project page:
Mail: [email protected]

Facebook group


More Movies
RepSpider Alpha Build
Shellmo Centaurea

Octalegs motormodule


RepWalker making tutorial




Maker Faire Hannover


Update 140805
Added RepSpider picture and 3Dfiles
Added more pictures and movies etc

Update 140423
Added RepWalker picture and 3D files


Opensource platform for making creative robot

  • Actuators / output devices: Artificial muscle, Pololu 100:1 Micro Metal Gearmotor HP *2
  • Control method: TB6612FNG Motor driver, RN-42 Bluetooth Mate Silver
  • CPU: Arduino Uno R3
  • Operating system: Arduino
  • Power source: 4xAA or AAA Battery, USB 5V
  • Programming language: Arduino C
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I like that!

Let me rephrase that: I love it!



This is incredible. Well

This is incredible. Well done!

It must have taken forever to figure out the leg mechanism.

Are there any technical details about how the eye movement works?

500$ are quite expensive, why is that so? 

Welcome to LMR!
This is one fantastic little creature!

Thank you for your comment

Thank you very much ! 

I want to see your robot, too.

Thank you for your comment

About Eyes

I didn’t make articles and pictures about my customized Eye.
But, thank you for asking. I tell you my trick a little.

I’m good at using artificial muscles. And, I used it to these eyes.

Please see this. I used “BMX100” into these eyes.

About price

Yes, Shapeways. I paid about $340 for making a body of Shellmo.
We trying to make Shellmo by desktop 3D printer. Because of the cost.
If we will success it, the cost will be under $200.(Circuit $170 + Body$ 30)

Thank you for your comment !


Cool robot, the leg motion

Cool robot, the leg motion is so smooth! excelent work!
I really need to think about  getting a 3D printer. 

That is COOL! The motion

That is COOL!  The motion is so fluid and smooth.  Great job especially with the eyes. 

I look forward to seeing how you get those legs to move like that…



Thank you for your comment

I saw your robots.  Did you hacking your doll ?  That’s very cool !

Please create your robot !

shelmo is awesome

Thanks for posting. It’s unique and also has a great look!


Thank you for your comment

Thank you very much !

But, Shellmo is not excelent now. This is just a start of Shellmo.

I have to develop more easy and more creative Shellmo with project members.

When you get 3D printer, I want to see your creations! 

Well, I am a bit late to

Well, I am a bit late to welcome you to LMR but better later than never :slight_smile:

I already downloaded the files for Shellmo and figured out how to place the main structure on our print bed. There is not much room left. maybe later this week I wiull start to print one :slight_smile:

I learned about Shellmo last week when basile posted the link. I am very happy that you joined LMR to show your masterpiece :slight_smile: Haha, before you do that Japanese modesty let me just say, it’s a pices of art and it’s a masterpiece of engineering. Well done Sho-san. 

Re: Shapeways

You may want to consider casting parts from the printed Shapeways parts. It would definitely save you money, and, allow for repetition without as much scrap that may occur while using a typical desktop 3d printer.

Wow. what a cute robot. Love

Wow. what a cute robot. Love the millipede movement. very clever system.

Yes. Eyes

I’m interested in eyes of robots very much.

I want to understand Psychological effects of eyes of robot.

Very cool

The locomotion is extremely cool and the eyes look great.

Thank you for your comment

Thank you very much !


  • Welcome…That is very life like. Thanks for posting.

Sorry to be late to reply.We

Sorry to be late to reply.

We developped some new motor modules which is easy to print.

If you will try it, please tell me. 

And I mean wonderful in its original sense of filling me with wonder. You are an artist, a craftsman, an engineer, and a builder! I love the concept of Shellmo as a building set and I thank you for releasing this to the world.

I also like the concept of beautility. One day, when my 3d printer finally arrives, I would like to make a Shellmo of my own.