Semi Scratch Autonomous Tracked Robot

I am new to Arduino and robotics and this is my first real attempt to build a robot from scratch. It is Running a Arduino mega 2560 with a DFRobot L298P motor shield and using a Ultrasonic Module HY-SRF05 Distance Sensor. Soon i will add a HC-06 Bluetooth Module. I used a Tamiya Twin motor gearbox but i upgraded the motors to 6 v motors. I also used 2 Tamiya track and wheel sets to make a lager track chassis with as wheel base of about 10" x 4 1/2"

Arduino Mega 2560
Arduino Mega Proto Shield
DFRobot L298P Motor Shield
Tamiya Twin Motor Gearbox
2 6V Motors
2 Tamiya Track and Wheel sets
HY-SRF05 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Module
Hco6 Bluetooth Module
2 5mm Blue LED’s
433Mhz wireless transmitter

I am going to add various sensors to the Robot and want the Sensor data to be sent wirteless to the serial consol.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I love the acryilc chassis. Keep us posted!


My first attempt at a robot was last year and I used the same tracks.  I eventually gave up on them though.  The rubber of the track has far too much grip on the floor.  I’m guessing that they keep falling off when it turns, especially on carpet.

I was going to try treating the outside of the rubber track with something to give it a smoother surface.  I’m still curious if that would have helped, however I ran into other issues… such as the weight distribution when I decided to make the body of my robot using clay. Should have used acrylic!