Self balancing rover robot

Have started a project where the goal is to create a slef balancing rover robot
120mm wheels

12mm hex hub (wheel/nema)

Nema 17 stepper motors
6050 gyro
Raspberry PI 3B+
PI Cam
Arduino Leonardo PI Cape 

Stepper Drivers
Sharp IR Range Sensor
3S LiPo battery

3D printed body parts (designed in Fusion 360)

I`ll spend time designing the body parts while waiting for the electronics..

This project is based on "Learning by doing" lika many og my other projects :-)


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


Looking forward to seeing updates here as the project progresses. Added placeholder image which you can change.

Trying to edit the

Trying to edit the placeholder image, but only get this:
The content that you posted will be reviewed within 1 business day. It has been flagged for review either because it is your first post or because it was considered as SPAM.

Not able to alter image… get a spam warning

The content that you posted will be reviewed within 1 business day. It has been flagged for review either because it is your first post or because it was considered as SPAM.

I see this SPAM issue coming

I see this SPAM issue coming up often with new posters. Maybe have a CAPTCHA to stop spammers instead?


I was searching the net trying to find inspiration/information for a self balancing robot project. First I found the ArduRoller (an old - 2015, but cool robot (

But I have a lot of 3D printer parts - stepper drivers, stepper motors… so I searched some more trying to fina a bot using stepper motors - then I found the great RS5 robot on this page.

Decided to make a bot using Nema17 stepper motors + 120mm “rower” rubber wheels.

Still planning, so I may alter the selected electronics… a lot of times before it is ready.

For fun I consider include2  8x8 led matrix as “robot eyes” -

I try to get a clean setup - as a first step, I`ll try if it is possible to combine Raspberry PI 3B+ , an arduino (leonardo) Raspberry cape + a robot arduino shield  + 2 stepper drivers

Yesterday I installed raspian + TightVNC + Arduino on my PI
The arduino PI cape is programmed using a USB cable from the cape to the PI
Was able to program the Arduino Leonardo on the cape from Arduino on the PI (remote from my windows 10 computer) 

Playing with the head design


This is not a final model - only playing with the design:

I plan an blue transparent front (not as transparent as in the model (only so the innside is visible).

One 8x8 LED Matrix for the "robot eye"

One Raspberry PI V2 camera

I do not know which sensor I should use? The HC-SR04 Ultrasonic, a TOF like the GY-53 or the Sharp IR? or an other? 

I plan to use 2 servo motors for pan/tilt function

Playing with the design



Playing with the body design - the head is missing in this model. I plan a head including one or two 8x8 led matrix + Raspberry Pi Cam v2..


Use an Taranis X9D RC Radio?

Anyone that have sample code/electronics setup for controlling an Arduino based robot using an Taranis X9D RC radio? Great if it support sending telemetry data to the 9XD (batteri status…)

Inspiration. This is what kicked me off: