Here are a couple of videos of my self balancing cmg efforts. I have been building these simple machines for about seven years now and am just infatuated with how they can stand up on two legs or two wheels.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Again, thank you for sharing and for contributing to this community 
You have a lot of small projects now. Imagine what would happen if you combine all of them in one robot 
Thank you for that comment. I do appreciate it.
Yeah, I never really fit in the mainstream ideas of this forum, I kind of used it to promote my own little projects and interests because there isn’t exactly a forum suited, or rather I was not suited for any forum. And I appreciate that Robot Shop Community has allowed my stuff on here over the last 10 years. I have mostly been interested in hacking toys and automated them and stricktly speaking, they did not qualify as robots. I have actually posted very few conventional robots and they were quite primitive. My favorite robots though were the simple ones posted in the early days of this forum by excited members who hacked them together with an Arduino Uno and a few servos.
I am 70 years old now and am too late to the 3d printer game and have so many interests that I have decided this will be my last posted robot entry. It is nice to end on the self balancing theme as I am proudest of my work in that area, especially my self balancing two wheeler and little booklet I wrote on the subject.
So with heavy but greatful heart, I am moving on to my other interests, guitar, songwriting, and juggling.
Thanks again to this forum and members.
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You are welcome. We will miss your projects