Seeker 2x Mini Sumo

Seeker 2x was my final mini-sumo robot, designed from the start to be low, fast, and aggressive.

It was a "spare no expense" kind of project, and probably cost somewhere in the ballpark of $1000 - $1500 by the time I was done. It has an AVR ATmega128 as the processor, running C. It has two line sensors on the bottom, and a total of 5 IR opponent sensors. It is a regulation mini-sumo, in that it is less than 100mm x 100mm, and weighs less than 500 grams.

I have a lot of detail and build pictures on my mini-sumo website (

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Awesome mini sumo! I was

Awesome mini sumo! I was originally inspired to try and build my first robot/mini sumo after seeing Seeker II in action. Huge thanks for the Seeker II source code that you posted on your site which, along with Dave’s Marauder code, made my first mini sumo bot possible.  


Thanks - glad to have inspired you. For anyone wondering, Seeker II was the predecessor to Seeker 2x, and you can find a lot more details here: