Seeker 2x Mini Sumo

Posted on 04/01/2014 by jonhylands
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Seeker 2x was my final mini-sumo robot, designed from the start to be low, fast, and aggressive. It was a "spare no expense" kind of project, and probably cost somewhere in the ballpark of $1000 - $1500 by the time I was done. It has an AVR ATmega128 as the processor, running C. It has two line sensors on the bottom, and a total of 5 IR opponent sensors. It is a regulation mini-sumo, in that it is less than 100mm x 100mm, and weighs less than 500 grams. I have a lot of detail and build pictures on ...

Seeker 2x Mini Sumo

Seeker 2x was my final mini-sumo robot, designed from the start to be low, fast, and aggressive.

It was a "spare no expense" kind of project, and probably cost somewhere in the ballpark of $1000 - $1500 by the time I was done. It has an AVR ATmega128 as the processor, running C. It has two line sensors on the bottom, and a total of 5 IR opponent sensors. It is a regulation mini-sumo, in that it is less than 100mm x 100mm, and weighs less than 500 grams.

I have a lot of detail and build pictures on my mini-sumo website (

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