Rubik's cube solving robot

This blog is dedicated to build a Rubik’s cube solving robot. I’ll not give you any guarantee to even update this blog or finish it. I just want to share and discuss some ideas.The first thing I did was to buy 3 Rubik’s cubes at (a kind of Chinese Ebay), each around 10 RMB.  I bought

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I think this looks cool,

I think this looks cool, only using servos


This configuration only uses

This configuration only uses 4 servos:

** Yes, but the color**

 Yes, but the color recognition system is a bit questionable :stuck_out_tongue:

Your drawing looks

Your drawing looks promising. Can’t wait t see the grippers in action.

Could you show me the build so that I could make by myself

I want to build one 

I need the measurements,tools,program 


Could you show me the build so that I could make by myself

Could you plz tell me the measurements to install the entire things with the tools and the program