Rover 5 + Bluetooth + Android

I'm working on a new robot with the Rover 5 chassis. Here's my setup: Arduino Uno, Adafruit Motor Shiled w/  2x SN754410 + BlueSmirf Silver.

Here are some temp pics, it's still work in progress.

I managed to cook one of the  SN754410 while using a 64KHz pwm.. :)



This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Wires long enough?

I saw the Arduino at the end of the platform and wondered if the Rover’s wires were long enough.  It looks like you’ve extended them?  Looking at the wires, have you got the 2 motor version?

Nice pic of the (remains of the) chip!  -> can the chips handle the stall current of the motors?


They’re rated at 2.5A stall current.

I’ve got the 2 motor version

I’ve got the 2 motor version and I’m currently not using the encoders. I extended the wires with male/male jumper wires. The rover 5’s wires are long enough, it’s just that they have a different socket at the end.