Roomba 520 charging error 3

Deal All,
I have a Roomba vaccum cleaner model 520. This machine was not used for 2+ years, but it was in perfect working conditions prior to this. I tried to charge it now, but I have a message of “charging error 3” when plugging it to the energy. Lights keep blinking when connected to the energy, but it seems no charging is made. Can someone give me some hint on what to do?


I also have this problem

Roomba was put away for 12 months+ and now Charging error 3

Took battery out and tested it after 12 hours charge - 16v

Is that right and why won’t it power the machine ?


Please verify that the charging contacts are clean before you insert the battery. Do you hear a sound when the battery is inserted in the robot. This sound indicates that the battery is well connected. Also, have you tries plugging the charger directly into the side of the robot? Without using the docking station?

Have you tried to reset the robot?


Contacts were cleaned as they were corroded slightly. No sound comes from the machine when battery inserted. Charger plugged into side of machine
Holding the 2 buttons does nothing as I guess it doesn’t stay on long enough to take effect ??

When was the last time you’ve replaced the battery? If the robot was not used in the last year, it’s likely a problem related with the battery. There’s probably not enough capacity in the battery to power the robot. We would suggest you to replace the battery.

OK Thanks

Will keep you informed


Bought new battery

Same sort of problem - on charge all day - take it off and it says “Please Charge Roomba” with the red lights

2 buttons pressed now make the lights go off on the display but nothing else

Plugging charger in side makes the lights flash orange twice a second

So I have a new battery and charging station and not a lot better off

Any ideas ?



If the lights flash orange twice a second, it means it’s doing its first charge. We suggest you to let the Roomba charges for at least 24 to 48 hours before using it. Let us know how it goes.


It has stopped flashing and is steady green - It was like this yesterday when I took it off charge and it still said Charge Roomba

Shall I leave it connected longer ?


Hi, is it possible for you to use a voltmeter and test the voltage on the charger?



Thank you for your confirmation. The voltage of the charger is okay. You’ve let the battery charge for at least 24 to 48 hours, while it was pulsing orange and once it was green, you’ve started the robot and it’s asking for charge again. Can you please charge the Roomba battery and verify the voltage? It should be around 15-16V.

If you have that voltage, it seems to be a problem with the circuit board unfortunately.

Shame - battery is 16v - no remedy ?

Hi, unfortunately, the problem seems to be caused by the motherboard. If the power supply and the battery is okay, the motherboard is the source of your issues.

Curable ?

You will have to replace the motherboard in order to fix the problem. Unfortunately, we do not offer them on our website anymore, as they have been discontinued.

I have recently bought a new battery as well, used the Rooma about once or twice a month since, and I too am now getting the error 3 msg. There is no cause for the motherboard to be bad. The unit is kept clean, contacts clean, etc, stored inside on charger with no other issues - up until today, it’s worked just fine.

When I press both the top and bottom button, nothing changes - the roobma software does not “reset” or "reboot. I am charging directly from the charger and not the charging station.

Why would a motherboard go bad all of a sudden and without cause when the unit has been working fine until now?


If you do have a voltmeter, we suggest you to test the power adapter to verify if there’s voltage.
If so, then it is possibly caused by the motherboard. It can be caused by a defective capacitor or the charging circuit.

It could be caused by a defective battery as well.

Now that we know it’s a motherboard problem what is the ballpark estimate to replace the motherboard not sure it’s worth it since there are so many improvements in the newer roomba

@Bonni Lee,
If the robot was purchased with us, please contact our Domestic Robots Support Center.
If not, then you may try to find a new Roomba 500 series motherboard on the Google.