Roomba 520 charging error 3

Was the robots battery left inside the robot prior to storing? If so, this may have drained the battery and it may not be able to be recharged. We therefore suggest that you purchase a new battery.

Even if the battery was removed, it is possible that it will not keep a charge. A Roomba battery usually lasts 1.5 to 2 years with proper care.

I had error code 3 as well but I fixed it by cleaning the motherboard of my roomba 530. Apparently, over the years, it had accumulated a lot of dust and grime which affected some of the contact points on the board. I used 99% pure isopropyl alcohol and a toothbrush to scrub the board (both sides). Unfortunately, you will have to partially dismantle the roomba to get to the motherboard. Check out Youtube for videos on how to do this.

Check for capacitor as shown in photo if this one is bad replace it . note the picture, this cap is bad it was all popped and bubbled .


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I know these are some old posts but this combination of buttons worked for me when I get the ‘Error 3’ red blinking light and won’t charge. I hold the ‘Dock’ and ‘Spot’ buttons until it resets(about 10 seconds)…release…and immediately hold the ‘clean’ button until it starts to charge properly (just a few seconds). It’s worked for about a month now so it’s worth a try before you dive into tinkering with the circuit board.

Thank you. This technique works very well on my irobot 530, no more charging error 3!

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This magically worked on mine as well. Model 560 that I resurrected by fitting a new battery and replacing a wheel motor. Only 3 days so far but after doing the sequence once I have charged it 3 times OK. I suspect the sequence does a full memory clear reset; more than the basic reset.

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