Robotic Baby

Ok 'i know i know.
I have quite a few projects going on at the moment. :cry:
i will get round to finishing them but i have another one that iv started and so i have that need to share with you. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is the concept for the mechanical head im working on.
The mechanical rig will allow for “up to” 11 servos to be installed.
Movements are:
*4 independent eyelids,
Jaw with independent lip control,
Smile actuators. *

The rig is designed to be printed in one whole piece. And the mechanical tolerances have all been designed with in .5mm. All thats needed is to add servos and join up the linkages. The servos required for this are made by Hitec.
Model: *HS65hb/mg servo Dimensions: 0.92" x 0.45"x 0.94" (23.6 x 11.6 x 24mm) *

The early concept designs show how it might look once finished:

I had to model from scratch a baby head using specifications taken from a physical baby doll head.

I look forward to getting this one printed and working. so far i have ordered a test rig of the eye socket just to see how well it works.

update on this will follow if interested.

You did not mention controlling each eye?

The eyes will not move. Its a newborn baby. the eyelid movements will be very subtle in nature anyway.
one could add a small ujoint behind the eye to allow it to actuate, but not on this project.

What software did you use to draw the “skin”?
I would think 3DS Max and then ported to SolidWorks?

In logical terms its the otherway.
I sculpted the face in Blender to give me a virtual boundary for the CAD work to fit into.
The CAD was drawn up in Autodesk.
I use both programs together. Would be nice to have a program that can do both.

You sure are a talented guy Jonny!
Looks great, as always. :smiley:

Thank you Kåre. :wink:

He did it again… not funny anymore…

Small test print to see the tolerances and fit.
actual eyeball will be arriving this week.

No 3D printing here…

Yes, I agree. I think Jonny is a ringer! A real professional.

Alan KM6VV

if only he could find a place that let him express his skills…!

Im pretty good on a BMX, that any good? Lol

“Eye” like it! :wink:
But seriously though, that looks amazing and is it just me or does the Robo-baby look frightfully realistic? :mrgreen:

Thats the idea i believe. :unamused: :wink:

Dude. Holy crap :open_mouth:


You know you’re in the sfx field when you have a variety of eyes you can choose from…

eye have more…

eye see what ya did there. :laughing: