Robotic Arm (R.A.1)

Robotic Arm (R.A.1)

This is a robotic arm with 4 degrees of freedom. Arm made from aluminum and galvanized iron which i cut and pierced in C.N.C pantograph machine. Also in the base of arm i appended 4 balls caster for free and stable movement. For servos controller i used a parallax servo controller which i programmed on PSCI software.

  • Actuators / output devices: micro servo, SM-S4505B, Parallax servo, 2 x SM-S4315M
  • Control method: control software on pc
  • CPU: Parallax servo contoller
  • Power source: 6V

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Sorry… grr

I a pitily mustn’t see it in Germany because of the music in the video and the GEMA right


I changed the song in the

I changed the song in the video!!! Thank you for labeling. :slight_smile:


Many many thanks! I can look at the Viedeo for me now. Funny what one must take into account everything.

Yours sincerely
