Robot Made from Pokemon Card Tin

This is a homemade robot made by me from a pokemon card tin. Originally this was going to be a new sumo robot I was going to build for a sumo competition since my last robot wouldn't exactly qualify for the challenge. This ended up successful if I had decided to make it into a sumo bot. Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to attend the competition so I am leaving the robot like this.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I like this robot. I like the size, your use of recycled materials, and the way it is all put together. It’s too bad you weren’t able to complete.
I’m wondering what the wire is you are holding in the video?

It is the USB cable. The robot doesn’t have enough power alone to sufficiently power it. Thanks! Totally agree with that lol.

Yeah… AA batteries are normally the “go to” for builders since they are used everywhere else, but they don’t offer much capacity or continuous discharge rate. FYI an inexpensive (~$10) 1S LiPo with step-up voltage regulator works well, and the charger is only a few dollars. Given your 3D printing experience, a bit surprised you didn’t opt for a 3D printed frame? I like recycled though.

The point of the robot was to make it out of recycled materials lol. I have 1s batteries with a charger but they don’t have enough voltage for the arduino but they definitely have a lot of power. Maybe a 2s battery for a future upgrade and thanks!