ROBOT ARM 5-AXIS my first ever

Project : Robot asistance

First testrun :!3701&authkey=!AMQKQtwmOsm650I&ithint=video%2CAVI

Why : Nobody to assist me , those who are have no time

Hardware : arduino,hardware hacked digital metalgeared servos 7 Volt ,Screws ,bolts,nuts,potensiometers ,loads of litle wires

Hardware disign modification : Me

Software modification : Me

3D designs : Me

The guy whit the migrane : Me

Tools : 3d printer (modifyed leaprog creatr dual al electronics replaced software modifyed) , hardcore PC ,my brain


Hello this is my first internet posting ever , normaly i am building bikes and buggy's and everyting else that is self propeld so this is a new story 

As seen in the picture i am getting there , working on it for about 2 a 3 weeks

I just re-designed the lower arm going to post it in 2 days , when the arm is rebuild

I am going to controlle it true a mimic funtion with some strorage capabilities for first

so i can use it for myself and have some fun

next month i wil design his new brother and use steppermotors for it , after i find the parts cheap (steppers ramp drivers metal gears pully's or mayby get sponsort

I will try to make it compatible with marlin because its open source so it has some funny printing options (and i like the way they interface with the machine)



greets nicolini 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Pixar Movie?

This looks like the start to a Pixar movie short - the older robot arm helping the young’un with its first assembly job. Now you know you’re going to have to make a short little video (pre-programmed sequences?) with beeping sounds to give them emotions. Looking forward to seeing more of what you do!

well i just finished the

well i just finished the code 5 min ago it sayd that it got to big for a uno probaly because of the extra variable i had to ad for the extra axel lucky for me i got a MEGA for extra parts and it says it fits if this wil show any problems there a spare DUE to was saving it for my printer but if that what it takes i wil implement it give me some time to calibrate the thing

well it is moving like it is

well it is moving like it is instructed i am going to see how i can post a short movie 

thinking of redisign it and

thinking of redisign it and implement real stepper motors an disign gearboxes still i want to keep as motch as posible internaly the eye also wants someting but first the movie 

no for real i was in need of

no for real i was in need of some asistance everytime everybody was busy so i made the arm took me only 2 weeks sometimes i need to wait longer on people no animations just speed disign trying to find my way in this smal world 

hello i find you arm robot

hello i find you arm robot nice

i looking for the same arm to build

where can i find the stl files for print it

thank you for your help


Great Project! Would be nice

Great Project! Would be nice to see the design on Thingiverse.

By the way, it is really difficult to read what you are writing. At least use a period or comma every now and then.

Commas and periods

I have a friend who was helping a client (a politician who ran for the US House of Represenatives) with a book. There were no paragraphs in the copy so he suggested breaking it down into paragraphs. The moral of the story is to be carefull of what you ask for, the paragraphs were added willy nilly and if anything made the copy harder to understand!

There are whole languages, Arabic being one, that have no punctuation and no capitals, whether that is the ops native language is unknown,

Thanks for great

Thanks for great work! What about thingiverse it?

mid update

new mid arm is finished building it up


stop asking for my files if i am not finished, and

i wil think of it 

yo amby


just hate writing in not my

just hate writing in not my native language, i am not arabic but from holland tanks for that 


It is not just the words that are different it is how they are put together. There is great diversity in the way languages work.

Brief History of Dutch Language:

haha jeff is funny

you sound like a funny guy if you got skype let me now i am better with word then in writing always in for a lauch and some sarcastic smartmouthing pffff hihihi thats kind of a DUTCH thing

Gripper gripper gripper

getting there whit the code , sorry for not posting a movie yet simply dont have the time right now

But i am collecting some avi files of the ongoing right now and asked a more expirienced friend of mine if he can compile a nice short movie out of it (if he has the time) sending him the files tomorow and the day after

In the meantime some pics

of the complete arm whit a new gripper installed for smal pices

the mouths stil have to be installed






Oh, you don’t know the half of it!

I don’t have skype set up at the moment, we’ll talk another time. I do have a friend who speaks fondly of her time in an Amsterdam window.

 I’m a big fan of many things Dutch, how could I not be?

gripper gripper finished

some more pics finished ,

codes done to

Found out lots of people dont write it but use some kind of compiler “LAME” ,must be easy .

I am going to look in to this, if some one nows a easy to understand one please make my quest shorter

for the meantime use the BRAIN






dont no

Channel Locks

Love the gripper design, looks like a big channellock pliers to me. I’d like to see the other side where the servo drives the claw.

I’ve been thinking about feet for my cat quadruped. What I want is something that has some compliance, some give and take. I have some anti static foam that I’m going to try, also some rubber. The reason I mention this is that you don’t always know exactly when you have contact and you need a little cushion. I see  the same kind of need here. If you monitor the current draw on the servo it is in almost direct relation to the torque (force) of the servo. You may consider running the servo until it starts to draw current, then you know you have a good grip (with a little bit of compressible material in the gripper). Good work, I like it.

Seem to me that this would be the perfect robot to run to the fridge and bring back a Grolsch.