ROBOT ARM 5-AXIS my first ever

Posted on 15/10/2015 by nicolini
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Project : Robot asistance First testrun :!3701&authkey=!AMQKQtwmOsm650I&ithint=video%2CAVI Why : Nobody to assist me , those who are have no time Hardware : arduino,hardware hacked digital metalgeared servos 7 Volt ,Screws ,bolts,nuts,potensiometers ,loads of litle wires Hardware disign modification : Me Software modification : Me 3D designs : Me The guy whit the migrane : Me Tools : 3d printer (modifyed leaprog creatr dual al electronics ...

ROBOT ARM 5-AXIS my first ever

Project : Robot asistance

First testrun :!3701&authkey=!AMQKQtwmOsm650I&ithint=video%2CAVI

Why : Nobody to assist me , those who are have no time

Hardware : arduino,hardware hacked digital metalgeared servos 7 Volt ,Screws ,bolts,nuts,potensiometers ,loads of litle wires

Hardware disign modification : Me

Software modification : Me

3D designs : Me

The guy whit the migrane : Me

Tools : 3d printer (modifyed leaprog creatr dual al electronics replaced software modifyed) , hardcore PC ,my brain


Hello this is my first internet posting ever , normaly i am building bikes and buggy's and everyting else that is self propeld so this is a new story 

As seen in the picture i am getting there , working on it for about 2 a 3 weeks

I just re-designed the lower arm going to post it in 2 days , when the arm is rebuild

I am going to controlle it true a mimic funtion with some strorage capabilities for first

so i can use it for myself and have some fun

next month i wil design his new brother and use steppermotors for it , after i find the parts cheap (steppers ramp drivers metal gears pully's or mayby get sponsort

I will try to make it compatible with marlin because its open source so it has some funny printing options (and i like the way they interface with the machine)



greets nicolini 

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