Robie 4WD arduino platform


 I remember at the beginning  of my project I am registered me on letsmakerobots for have your opinion and help me achieve it. After finalizing my robot, I created a tutorial that might give you ideas. Feel free to ask questions!!

Robie has a mode autonomous and can avoid obstacles and falls, a mode manual wich we can controled him everywhere in the world, a mode guard: if there is a intrusion in my home Robie send me a video mail, it can play mp3 music

  • Actuators / output devices: 4 motors, 1 servos, 1 servos modified for continuous rotation, 2 speaker
  • Control method: wireless network teleoperated from keyboard through netmeeting
  • CPU: Arduino, ROMEO
  • Operating system: windows XP
  • Power source: 9v battery for all
  • Programming language: C
  • Sensors / input devices: switches along the front, Sharp IR
  • Target environment: indoor

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Google translate:"Hello,I

Google translate:


I remember early in my project, I recorded letsmakerobots to have your opinion and help me to achieve. After the completion of my robot, I created a tutorial that might give you ideas. Feel free to ask questions!”



thank’s renkku i have been

thank’s renkku 

i have been a problem with google chrome, it changed my translation!!!


I am curious how fast the 4WD platform is that you have, as I see it is only $50 on robotshop.  The specs claim ~3ft/s, and I wonder how accurate that is once it is weighed down with motor controller and other components.  I have a need for speed :slight_smile:

it can run twice as fast

it can run twice as fast with the PWM function boolean.

but I prefer this speed to preserve the life of engine.

Thank you.

vive la france
superbe réalisation et merci pour les explications

Et bienvenu a toi, 1 francais de plus, merci …

Merci bibi49.Dis moi c’est

Merci bibi49.

Dis moi c’est ton bipède que je vois sur ton profil? 

Si oui t’aurais des vidéos ?!!!


En anglais, s’il vous

En anglais, s’il vous plaît?

LMR’s search features only work in English, I believe. Please help by posting in English. It is a very international community, so we all try to post in English, rather than each in her or her native tongue.