Robie 4WD arduino platform
I remember at the beginning of my project, I am registered me on letsmakerobots for have your opinion and help me achieve it. After finalizing my robot, I created a tutorial that might give you ideas. Feel free to ask questions!!
Robie has a mode autonomous and can avoid obstacles and falls, a mode manual wich we can controled him everywhere in the world, a mode guard: if there is a intrusion in my home Robie send me a video mail, it can play mp3 music
- Actuators / output devices: 4 motors, 1 servos, 1 servos modified for continuous rotation, 2 speaker
- Control method: wireless network teleoperated from keyboard through netmeeting
- CPU: Arduino, ROMEO
- Operating system: windows XP
- Power source: 9v battery for all
- Programming language: C
- Sensors / input devices: switches along the front, Sharp IR
- Target environment: indoor