I remember at the beginning of my project, I am registered me on letsmakerobots for have your opinion and help me achieve it. After finalizing my robot, I created a tutorial that might give you ideas. Feel free to ask questions!!
Robie has a mode autonomous and can avoid obstacles and falls, a mode manual wich we can controled him everywhere in the world, a mode guard: if there is a intrusion in my home Robie send me a video mail, it can play mp3 music
I remember early in my project, I recorded letsmakerobots to have your opinion and help me to achieve. After the completion of my robot, I created a tutorial that might give you ideas. Feel free to ask questions!”
I am curious how fast the 4WD platform is that you have, as I see it is only $50 on robotshop. The specs claim ~3ft/s, and I wonder how accurate that is once it is weighed down with motor controller and other components. I have a need for speed
LMR’s search features only work in English, I believe. Please help by posting in English. It is a very international community, so we all try to post in English, rather than each in her or her native tongue.