Remote controlled rover - version 2.0 available!

I have built this remote controlled robot to make it possible to "enter" my homepage. You can cruise around the stuff used for experiments described at my pages (e.g. a wind tunnel, a 4-stroke engine and so on). Additionally you can find some other treasure stored at my attic.

Because of the low bandwidth, you have to be patient, because the transmition of a new image needs between 10 and 30 seconds. The control mode is similar to those of a mars rover - try it out!

After an update I have released Rover 2.0.

Now you can alter the camera height and the camera angle so that you also can observe the ground and the ceiling of my robot space.

Another upgrade concerns the camera which has full HD capabilities now (just for the shapshot functionality).

I have attached an infra red interface at the front of the Rover, by which some modules can be actuated.

Finally there are new things placed at my attic.


Drive it and Have fun !


Drive the remote controlled and webcam equipped robot at my attic

  • Actuators / output devices: servo, LEDs, 1:90 geared motor
  • Control method: Remote over Internet (Wlan between robot and access-point)
  • CPU: Xcore86 (Edubook)
  • Operating system: Linux (Knoppix 6.2)
  • Power source: computer power supply
  • Programming language: C, Perl, Java script
  • Sensors / input devices: USB webcam
  • Target environment: indoor, Mars

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

wow, very nice project
I drove it around a bit, took a look in the mirror, all from my android phone… It was really cool

Have fun

…so it works with Android, too. Im impressed by my programming work :))

Thanks for your feedback

test drive

i took a quick test drive of the rover and im amazed at how simple your control system is. really like the enviroment that youve created for it aswell

Tom J

It’ my first robot…

…and so I did not have enough knowledge to make it complex :wink:

The hunter-and-gatherer inside of me makes it sometimes hard to throw things away. That’s how those little museum was created…


I was in UR attick controlling UR robot

but the robot got stuck

I fixed the problem

A defective contact of the 5V supply at the rovers power pole caused the failure. I cleaned the contact area so you can start driving now.

Thanks for the hint.


Super awesome,

What an amazing idea. I love

What an amazing idea. I love it. Wish I had an attic so I could do something like this :slight_smile:

Cool project and nice done.

Cool project and nice done. I drove a little bit around and could see some of your universe by night. And yes i lied when i was asked if I read the manual :wink:

Hope I did not wake you up. Saying this…does it make much noice or is your universe sound proofed :wink:

I am also trying to connect a robot via internet but got stuck in the chinese only UI of my router to open an incoming port and can’t repace that damn thing since IP TV is running over it too :frowning:

Gruß aus Shanghai \o/

Don’t worry I can’t hear the rover while I am sleeping…

…even there is no sound protection. The power output is too low for doing burnouts or bumping at the steel bars with an audible sound.

So if you were able to control the rover without reading the instructions, you might handel your router trouble without learning Chinese…

Gruß zurück aus der Weltmetropole Niedertiefenbach :slight_smile:

Maybe Rover 3.0 is able to leave the attic…

…and rule the world! I am working on it…

Ok, that’s good.Hm, there is

Ok, that’s good.

Hm, there is not a fair comparison between handling a robot and reading Chinese :slight_smile: the latter is a way out of my reach :wink:

(Niedertiefenbach…da fliege ich vielleicht immer drüber, wenn ich nach Deutschland komme und in Frankfurt lande :wink: )


really cool project.

As oddbot said…must be frustrating driving the marsrover.

ohh. nice attic btw :slight_smile: