Recycle bot 5000

This robot is one of my robot entries. i will probably make another one. So like i said this is my robot entry for Chickenparmi's Scrap bin challenge.This robot is an obstacle avoidance robot.When it sees something close it will stop then turn left and then continue moving forward.It was a siple code to do.


For brains he has an Arduino uno r3, 2 geared motors to move, 2 9v batteries one to power the motors and the other to power the arduino, for his eyes or sensors i put a HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor, the backwheel is actually just a bottle lid. His body is all made out of cardboard and the wheels are made of styrofoam. On the robot chassis you will see a cardboard box and in that custom made cardboard box there lays his brains (Arduino) and all the wiring.


Obstacle avoidance

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 Gear Motors
  • CPU: Arduino Uno R3
  • Power source: 2 9v batteries
  • Sensors / input devices: HC-SR04 distance sensor
  • Target environment: indoor flat surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Pretty cool

You’re pretty talented. Nice bot! 

Great bot, and congrats on

Great bot, and congrats on the honorable mention in the scrap bin challenge! I wish I was able to start off this young in robotics. What do you plan to build next?

Congrats for the mention in

Congrats for the mention in the challenge. I am sure you will have another chance in any other challenge soon. Keep going…