Quadruino quadruped walking robot

Quadruino is a walking quadruped robot that is able to navigate obstacles efficiently. Its design focuses on simplicity of construction, using only two servos to drive its legs. In addition, it has an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor that interacts with the Arduino microprocessor, acting as a watchful eye to avoid obstacles.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/quadruino-quadruped-walking-robot-controlled-by-the-arduino

Cute project! Name might be a bit confusing:

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Hi, Thanks, the name “Quadruino” is derived from the combination of two words: “Quad” and “Arduino”.

“Quad”: It is a shortened form of “quadruped,” referring to a creature or robot with four legs. In robotics, a quadruped robot is a type of robot that resembles an animal with four limbs, such as a dog or a cat.

“Arduino”: It is an open-source hardware and software platform widely used for electronics and robotics projects.

The combination of these two words, “Quad” and “Arduino,” results in the name “Quadruino,” which is a quadruped robot controlled by the Arduino platform, serving as its central brain to control the robot’s movement and functions.