Quadruino quadruped walking robot

Posted on 31/07/2023 by jortsal
Modified on: 22/08/2023
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Quadruino is a walking quadruped robot that is able to navigate obstacles efficiently. Its design focuses on simplicity of construction, using only two servos to drive its legs. In addition, it has an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor that interacts with the Arduino microprocessor, acting as a watchful eye to avoid obstacles.

Robot Quadruino :This project aims to be educational and easy to build, with few necessary construction elements. The combination of a quadruped robot and the Arduino platform is exciting and attractive to those interested in robotics and programming.
A quadruped robot is a type of robot that has four legs and resembles the movement of a four-legged animal. These robots are designed to walk, run or even jump, and are used in a variety of applications, such as exploration in difficult terrain, aiding in rescues or simply as educational and research projects.
Quadruped robots can come in varying degrees of complexity, from basic models made from 3D-printed parts like this one to advanced robots that incorporate artificial intelligence technologies and sophisticated sensors.
The elements to be printed in 3D can be found in the links of the document Quadruino+Robot+eng.pdf
The combination of a quadruped robot and the Arduino platform could be an exciting project and spark interest in robotics and programming. Using Arduino, you can control the movements and actions of a quadruped robot, and you can program it to perform various tasks.



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