Quadrino Nano Orientation and compass direction

I have a Quadrino-Nano and when I run WinGUI the direction is off by around 90 degrees. Also if you roll the Nano but keep the arrow pointed in the same direction the direction indicator on WinGUI moves, like the axis have been messed up. I am familiar with other drone packages that let you tell the firmware the orientation and offsets of the controller. Is there something similar with the LynxMotion Quadrino-Nano?


Thank you for posting on the RobotShop’s community.
There is indeed a Sensors Calibration procedure (Accelerometer and Compass) to be done with the Quadrino Nano in WinGUI. It’s indicated in page 9 of the Quadrino Nano’s User Manual here.

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Just a bit of information about the sensor calibration:

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