Next thing I would check is to see, what SSC pin is defined in your program. If it is from powerpod, it will probably look something like:
SSC32 con p8
Is is defined as in my case P11 but I think the default is P8… Then make sure the wire going between the BB2 and the SSC-32 is on that pin. Also make sure that there is a ground wire between the two boards…
I would also measure to make sure I had voltage at both the VL and the VS terminals… I have pulled my hair out before when my power wire to the SSC-32 came lose and it had now power… Also I would check to make sure that all of my servo wires are plugged in properly. That is in the pictures they look uneven. I have had a few times where a servo was plugged in off 1 pin (gnd on power pin, power on signal, signal nothing) or the other way…
Yes it is easy to write a quick and dirty basic program that simply moves one of the servos back and forth. Maybe something like:
serout SSC32,i38400,"#0P1100T500", 13]
pause 1000
serout SSC32,i38400,"#0P1900T500", 13]
pause 1000
goto Main
Warning: I could easily have screwed something up while typing this in. Also whenever I run test like this, I usually put my Hex robot on some stand. I often use a 50-100 writable CD/DVD case to hold it up.
Good Luck!