Project: SC-QR-1 with MORE VIDEOS!

project: SC-QR-1 (NOT MY VIDEO----->)

Small Compact - Quad Robot - 1

so i started getting inspriated by some robots i saw on youtube! shortly after i started makeing my own quadropod

i wanted it to be as small as possible, and i now have a robot as high as a match-box!!

i fixed my code problem!

i'm almost finished right now

enjoy the videos

MY VIDEO----------------------------->

here is a video with some of the motions it can do

MY VIDEO----------------------------->










MY VIDEO----------------------------->

here is a video of the upgrade we all wanted

MY VIDEO----------------------------->













MY VIDEO----------------------------->

here is the video with the upgrade we all wanted

MY VIDEO----------------------------->









MY VIDEO----------------------------->

here is a video with some moves it can do

MY VIDEO----------------------------->







im about to install a sharp tilt sensor (help!) and a sharp-gp2d120 ir sensor, a 5 volt regulator, a laser, a speaker, some diffrernt leds, one LDR, picaxe ir remote-control-upgrade and many small body/design changes! :D


and ohh.. it's going to need a new name.. (SC-QR-1.8)

please comment and rate!

please come with suggestions to new upgrades!!! i like the name SC-QR-2.0 :D just need 2 upgrades to follow my rule!! (rule: for every new upgrade, add +0.1 to name)

just comment ideas down below! :D



Navigate around via ultrasound, climb low objects

  • Actuators / output devices: 8 micro servos
  • Control method: Autonomus
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Operating system: Picaxe
  • Power source: 4 AA batteries
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: SRF05 Ultra Sound
  • Target environment: on most flat (not too rugh)surfaces, though not outdoor!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

very inspired design.might

very inspired design.

might copy/steal it at some point in the future

i love itthe ability to rise

i love it

the ability to rise and lower body in order to evaluate obstacle height is very nice!

show the video plz

Nice Robot

It’s very clean and compact, and looks good. Can’t wait for the video!

Like it! :slight_smile: Cannot wait to see it in action!

very very very very very
very very very very very very very very COOL

Nice robot

Thats a really nice robot, it reminds me of a friends quad walker.

Take a look at these:


Here’s my Joinmax quad walker:


i have seen your other
i have seen your other videos on you tube … nice!

I love the legs! very
I love the legs! very clever!!!

thanks =)

ha lol

ha lol


anyway, your video still missing :\

**Im no basic expert so I**<br><p>Im no basic expert so I cant be sure.. but this looks weird</p><p>let range = range * 10 / 58<br />debug range<br />readadc 1, range<br />if range &gt; 15 then<br />gosub walk</p><p>shouldnt you do the range*10/58 AFTER you readadc?

Also don’t do math. It
Also don’t do math. It messes the number up since it can’t do decimals. Find out what value it spits out at the distance you want to be the danger distance and use that number. Dont try to convert to inches.

Jeez, i’m soooo wainting for

Jeez, i’m soooo wainting for a video…

Anyway, he just looks great!

the video has arrived
the video has arrived

Awsome! The walking,
Awsome! The walking, turning, packing itself up and so on. And all with micro servos, what are like, small.

That 2nd video is great!

Great job! Nice video! You’ve got it walking and “stalking”… :slight_smile: You’ve come a long way since you first posted about this one! This design is pretty similar to one I’ve wanted to do as a flollow-on for “Stomper”, but as yet haven’t managed to find the time. Maybe one of these days. :slight_smile:

You’ve run across the problem I have on my floors - not enough friction. Walking efficiency seems to suffer on wood or tile floors, so much energy goes into sliding the feet rather than pushing the robot in the direction you want it to go. I put little rubber tips on Stomper (as you saw him in my video) and this helps on tile, but his walk motion is much less efficient then yours as you have more axis of movement. Have you considered finding some rubber tips or pads for your legs? Another problem I encountered on Stomper is too much friction on carpet! With Stompers’ leg motion you really can’t win, either too little or too much friction. Your leg design looks like you might have a little better chance of handling both conditions if you find the right tip material, and perhaps vary the gait depending upon what floor you are walking upon. Anyway, just some ideas that popped into my head when I saw your second video.

Great robot, great video, nice soundtrack too. Keep up the great work, I’m looking forward to seeing what you do next with this little quadraped. Thanks for sharing! I’m giving you 5 stars (sometimes wish we had more) on this great project.


** thanksi have allready**


i have allready thought about that with rubber feet! =D

but i guess that was to late since i have all ready made the video!

how often does it go though battrys?

i love itwith 8 serve you

i love it

with 8 serve you can produce a nice variety of movements and poses

with an accelerometer in the body it coul became even more alive

you absolutely need rubber foots :slight_smile: