Project Phoenix Excel program + Manual

hi back
i’m using excel 2003 from office 2003. I also have office 2000 and find i only have comma delimiters???i played around and saved a copie in coma delimited, then loaded it into word replaced comas with semicolons. still got the warnings it was looking for feilds for project,secquence,and step.

so back to excel removed the contents in the cells with thoes words then did the save load to word resave thing and that appeared to load.

when i play the files that got loaded it just lays there on the floor quivering with the right front leg drawen up tight to its body. :question: :question:

so now i guess i will have to try something else.

larry in alaska

As I wrote on page 14 in the manual:

I’m not sure if I understand you here, but you managed to import the project into SEQ without any errors?

Does the servo values change while running the steps in SEQ? If they do the project probably works OK. Then it’s a SEQ/SSC32/setup/wiring issue.

Good luck!

hummmmm strange for sure.

I have 5 puters all runnig MS office with excel running on all of them. they all were set up from different sorces originally. 1 is running 2000 software the rest all are loaded with 2003. and i can’t find a one that has simicolon dilimited save as file types??? i did stumble on to the dropdown that made that a type when loading from a text document back into excel. so i guess that is the way i will have to work with this

thank you so very much for the assistance.

would you be willing to share a working project with me.


Yes that’s strange. What 2003 version are you running? (help -> about -> sys info), I’m running ver 11, build 6355. Try MS Office update.

Are you thinking of a set of .csv and .shp files?

Maybe Lynxmotion could share them on the Phoenix project page? Jim, are you reading this?

well mine copy on this puter is student/teacher version
excel 2003 (11.8211.82020 SP3

YES i was thinking of scv abd shp files. it would be nice to be able to see the thing stand and walk once befor one started playing with the code and trying to make it do neat tricks :smiley:


Of course! :wink:

For convenience, here’s the link.

Just send the stuff to Beth and she will gladly update the page. 8) Thanks for helping!

Hi Jim!

I have already sent the files to you.

I sent three projects (3 x (PhoenixX.csv + PhoenixX.shp)).

Phoenix3 is the “complete project” containing about 900 steps.
Phoenix4 is the new “Phoenix and the box part II”
Phoenix5 is just some body roation.

Enjoy! 8)

Yup, got um. Beth will have them up as soon as a bunch of people yell at her to work faster. lol

Great work Beth, you have them up and running!

Wow you’re fast. I didn’t even have time to post here that the project was updated. :blush:

I’ve just sent two new versions of PEP to Jim. PEP ver 1.08 and PEP ver 1.08LM.

The LM version should be pin compatible with the standard Lynxmotion SSC32 pin setup.

I’ve also added a coxa offset in the setup sheet. In the PEP 1.08(LM) this offset are set to 60 deg. Meaning that the front and rear coxa should be calibrated with the 0 deg (1500) position with a offset of 60 deg. This screen capture are from the latest PEP 1.08 version, as you can see that all coxa’s are positioned at 0 deg:

To compare with the old PEP 1.06 version you can see that the front and rear coxa had to be calibrated as for an inline hexapod:

So to make it work with the old PEP version you had to calibrate the coxa’s with a very large offset (0 deg position very far from the 1500 position). Pay attention to the coxa values:

Do you see the difference? :wink: I hope I’ve done this right now :unamused:

Also note the “BALANCE” button ( PEP 1.08 ), this function does only work for 2D and not finished yet. I also think this function would be more useful on an “onboard brain”.

Working on that… :wink:

Cool! 8)
As you could see the rotation part was a bit more tricky… :confused:

EDIT: BTW Xan, did the coxa offset on the PEP 1.08 make sense to you?

Hi Zenta,

I’ll have Beth post the info tomorrow or Monday at the latest. She’s off to college already. :frowning:

As for the Phoenix setup as an inline hex. Couldn’t you just remove the single center servo horn screw, pull the top chassis panel off, and move the still centered servo 60° (4 clicks on the Hitec servo spline) so they are perpendicular to the long dimension of the chassis, then replace the screw? Unless there is some other advantage to aligning them as we did in the tutorial.

Hi Jim,

Yes, I understand what you mean, my old Phoenix was calibrated with the 1500 position at about 45 deg offset. But my thought was that I wanted PEP to be compatible with Xan’s program or Powerpod, I don’t think they are calibrating the leg as for an inline body but with the coxa offset (set to 60 deg). Or am I totaly wrong here :confused:

Hey Zenta,
Thanks very much for this update - i can’t wait for it to be posted for use. :smiley: :smiley:

With luck my hex’ will be wandering around very soon…

…and then you can all expect a barrage of new questions. :open_mouth:

Oh, and as far as the front and rear coxa calibration goes - i was under the impression that the centre point (1500) would mean that the servos were perpendicular to an imaginary line drawn through the servo mounting holes and NOT parallel to the middle leg coxa servos.

Hi zenta,

Sry for my late reaction. I’m kinda busy with work and packing for my holiday trip.

I saw that the rotation part is much more complex than the position part. Currently I’m recalibrating the servo’s to add the servo scaling. For that I’ve got the SSC directly connected tot the pc so I’m not able to do more tests on the balancing part. BlackWido is standing like this for over a week right now :frowning: Like I sad, busy…

But I’m sure that I can fix that after my little trip. Can’t wait to see him balancing on his legs! 8)

It totally did :wink: I’m using a 60 deg offset as well so this way the PEP should be totally compatible with my code. I still need to figure out how to place the SSC on the LM phoenix. BlackWido has got his SSC placed with the connector to the back for easy access. But it is flipped upside down as well. As for the phoenix, I want to keep to the tutorial as most as possible but also want easy access to it. I’ll just figure that out when I’ve got the kit here. :smiley:

Oh and Jim, I love what you’ve done with the tutorial :wink:


You said it zenta! I found the rotation to be quite tricky as well. At first, I tried to manipulate the angle of the transformation:

Br = Qz,a^-1 * Gr

where Br is your local, Gr is your global and rotation about the z-axis and a is the angle… and Qz,a is the rotation matrix of a rotation angle “a” about the “z” axis

But I found out that it wasn’t manipulating the angle “a” to be the case.

|Y| = Qz,a^-1 * Gr

Br = (X, Y, Z) is later added to my offset of each legs, offsets such as femur length, tibia length, ride height, and etc…

I found that by not adding the “X” component of the Br vector, I was able to get a correct rotation…

**Note: My global reference axis, when viewing the Phoenix from top-view with the nose pointing upwards are:


The Z-axis is piercing through the phoenix’ body**

EDIT: Hi Tom,

Are you talking about the rotation part in the “Balance gesture” or plain body rotation?

I’m sorry but my math skills are a bit limited when it comes to matrix :blush: . I have to learn that part properly.

BTW, how is your code going? I saw your tripod walking, great!


my matrix math was a little rusty as well before I started this. I recommend this link: … matrix.php

As for the transformation matrix, I HIGHLY recommend the book:

“Theory of Applied Robotics” by Reza N. Jezar … 841&sr=8-1

All the transformation techniques were lifted from chapter 2, the author talks about how to tranform global to local, local to global using transformation matrices and matrix multiplication.

Of course, when translating it to servo motions, you have to work out the signs (+/-) because of the symmetry problem with the PWMs having opposite effect from right to left side of hexapods…