Problems with Scorpion board

Hi, I just bought autonomous behavior kit and tried to test it as is written here, but it seems I have problems with Scorpion board, because when I program the processor with 4wd1tst1.bas the Status LED is still blinking and the motors don’t work. Could you please help me where can be the problem?

Do you here any beeps from the bot board? Are you able to press the buttons and here the beeps as described in the tutorial? Also are you sure you’re using the correct IDE. You need the Atom IDE, not the Atom Pro…

OK, lets go here.
I think I hear beeping when I press buttons, but I am not sure, I will test it tomorrow. I am using Basic Atom Pro software (that one which have 28MB). I tried two Atom IDE (beta release Version and Version, but it didnt work at all. And I have Basic Atom Pro 28, so I think I use right IDE.

You said the you got the 4WD1 Robot Combo Kit for Autonomous Behavior, it doesn’t come with an Atom Pro. It comes with an Atom 28. I’m way confused here…

I have it from local distributor, so maybe that he bought processor separately

Who did you purchase it from?

from from Czech Rep.

Although the Atom Pro will work on the Bot Board and it will control the 4WD1 robot, we do not have programming for it. It’s for this exact reason I never sell anything as a combo kit without complete tutorials explaining the use of everything included, and complete programs. If the Czech Republic distributor is selling mix and match combo kits they will have to provide you with the tech support for it. I am contacting them on this.

I recommend you contact them and have them swap the pro for the atom 28! This will solve all your problems.

The tutorials are excellent!! I have already learned a LOT and I don’t even have a robot yet. :smiley: Hopefully I can affored to get the Basic Atom Starter kit and a 6V battery next month and start playing. :slight_smile: I have everything else I need now.


OK, I will contact the distributor and hope he send me the right processor ASAP. Thanks

But anyway, even if I have Basic Atom Pro, at least the Sharp IR sensor should work, when I use code like this (thats from one discussion here)

my_input var Word
ADIN P19, my_input
debug [DEC my_input,13]
pause 20
goto loop

So I tried to test the 4WD1TST1.BAS. There were no errors and program was successfully downloaded to processor. In the beginning there were four beeps but the Stat LED on Scorpion after blinking didn’t turn on steady but started blinking more faster. When I push buttons A, B, C the LEDs shine and the speaker beeps and the Stat LED blinks slower.

In the Scorpion manual is written, that fast blinking indicates the loss of radio signal or no signal on one of the drive channels at startup. At startup a fast blink signal indicates the transmitter is off or that the reciever is not getting a signal.

But I don’t have any transmitter or receiver, so where could be the problem?

Now your program apears to be running, good job. Now I suspect the connections from the Bot Board to the Scorpion. Make sure the cables are not backwards. At this point a nice crisp closeup image of the connections would be helpful. :smiley:

I think that connections between Bot Board and Scorpion are OK, I connect P1 to Right and P0 to Left, as described in tutorial, black wires to the edges. The power cables to motors also as is on the picture.

I tested the IR sensors and at first I have to say I dont have Sharp GP2D12 but probably GP2Y0A21YK, but it should be similar. The problem probably is the connection between Bot Board and sensor. I tested the pins on the board and it seems that the pin closest to the edge of board is ground (black wire), in the middle is 5V (red wire) and the last pin is AX0-3 (yellow wire). But on the datasheet to the Sharp is Vo on the left, GND in the middle and Vcc in the right, this means that red and yellow wires are switched. When I changed them, it seemed working, at 10cm the number was around 300-400 and at 80cm around 40.

Are you still using the Atom Pro? If so the pulsout values are wrong. The Pro uses 0.5uS resoultion and the Atom uses 1uS resolution. So the pulsout values will need to be recalculated.

I am hessitant to try and fix your sensor problem without first fixing the motor control problem. If you don’t have the GP2D12 then I don’t know what you should do. i don’t have any of the ones you are referring to…

So this mean that I only divide the values at PULSOUT by 2.

No you double them. To make a 1500uS pulse with an atom the value is 1500 but for an atop pro it’s 3000.

Great!! It works, thanks a lot. Problem was 1,5mS interval. :smiley:

Now the IR sensor. I switched the yellow and red wire at the sensor side of cable and it seems to work similarly as I describer earlier. But it is weird.

You sound surprised! :wink: I’m glad you got it going. I’m not going to be much help with the sensor problem. Like I said before, I don’t have one to try…