Problems with Scorpion board

I didnt expected it wouldnt work because of such a small detail :slight_smile:

There is no important if you have the same sensor as I. I just want to know, if I am right with the pins on the Bot Board. That the pin closest to the edge is Ground, the pin next to it is 5V and the last pin leads to AX0-AX3.
If I am right look at this page, … -SHEET.PDF. There are pins on the sensor (Vo, GND, Vcc). If you connect them to the Bot Board with the cable on your picture (picture with SHARP IR sensor and with cable), the GND will be on GND, its OK, but Vo will be on 5V and Vcc on pins lead to AX0-AX3 and thats not OK.

I suspect you are using a 24 pin Atom Pro. The programs and tutorials are for the Atom 28, which has the A to D pins on the extra 4 pins on that chip. I do not know the answer to your question, but I will ask the support at Basic Micro to chime in if they can. Sorry…

I am using BasicATOM Pro 28-M

I am still working on your problem. Can you go into more detail on the A to D issue?

I think (hope) that the IR sensors are OK, I only had to switch red and yellow wires as I described earlier. But I will rather do some tests with it, because I do not know which values it returns in various distances. I tried the program for autonomous behavior and the robot seemed to work quite well.