PICKER - Line follower robot collects obstacles

Pıcker is a line follower robot which follow the white path on a black surface.

PICKER - Line follower robot collects obstacles

It has 3 CNY70 sensors to track the line and one additional CNY70 sensor to detect the obstacles in front of its hand.

When it sees an obstacle, Picker stops, grabs the obstacle with its hand and throw the obstacle in its wagon. Then it continues to follow the path. Picker has 2 mini servo motors for its hand and arm motion. Picker is fully handmade robot.

PICKER - Line follower robot collects obstacles

Two geared DC motors were used for its driving. The microcontroller was PIC16F628A and the motor driver was L293D.

For my other projects you may visit my website.

Follows the line, detects obstacles, grabs the obstacles with its hand, collects the obstacles on the path

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/picker-line-follower-robot-collects-obstacles

Nice idea. As I see the line

Nice idea. As I see the line sensor is made of LDRs and LEDs. Do you have problems with them regarding reliability? It would be great if you add more detailos here so we can actually see how you built it.

Line sensor


I used 3 CNY70 sensors to prepare the line sensor. (not any LDRs). The line sensor also contains a 74HC14 Schmitt triger to convert the signals of CNY70 into digital signals. I will add more details soon.