Peter Rush - Walking Biped Robot

I started working on Peter a few weeks ago. And although he is yet to take his first full steps, progress is moving along nicely.

I will try and post updates as things change.


// Update August 14, 2009

Added new video: Peter Rush Biped Robot H-Bridge Test


//Update August 19, 2009

Added new video: Biped Robot C# Control Center - Peter Rush


//Updated August 30, 2009

Added new video: Biped Robot Doing Squats


//Updated September 23, 2009

Added new video: Robot Leg / Ankle with Multiple Degrees of Freedom

  • Actuators / output devices: Creative Werks Actuators
  • Control method: Linear Actuators

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

A few additional photos

Robot 014.jpg

Robot 015.jpg

Robot 002.jpg


very nice!
very nice!

Man, that is wayyy cool. And it’s like huge! I don’t think it could support a human like The Walking Chair, but maybe some equipment like a camera maybe. Heck, you could put a camera on his head when he’s finished and make a video so we can see what it’s like being a two limbed bot.

Very cool. Looks very robotic and mechanical sculpture-y. I’m dying to see this thing walk!

Yeah, it has a real robotic / industrial feel. Sometimes it scares me when I walk in the door after a long night.

It is massive. When he is fully extended, his hip line come close to my shoulder line. In terms of load capacity, it can hold me while it’s standing still. The actuators have a 500lb static load rating and a ~110lb dynamic load capacity.

bipeds= my kind of

bipeds= my kind of robotics


this is awesome, i cant wait to see more. oh, btw, i have those same actuators. :smiley:


Which ones? I am using two different types, the good Creative Werks ones and the cheap ones off eBay. Both are decent for this application.

I actually need 2 more 4", got any spares?


eh…i have two that i dont

eh…i have two that i dont need… i dont know the name but they look just like the ones in your picture. but… one might not have a working potentiometer and both are 10" :</p>

and 250 lbs force

Wanna trade / sell?
Interested in making a deal?

well i have it up on ebay

well i have it up on ebay for $68 flat, interested? i only put up one for sale but i have two of them, i could list the other if you want.

Nice, and nice actuators!!
Nice, and nice actuators!!

Keeping platform level

I continue to follow your project with great interest.

Do you have any plans to change the mount for the "table" top so that is stays level? Like a mechanical linkage that keeps the platform level with the floor?

Yeah of course. When I install the third pair of actuators, they will act in unison with the other 2 pair, keeping things level.

About the actuators

Hi there, very nice looking thing you got there!

Where did you get those actuators and what’s the cost approx?

I nabbed a few actuators from eBay a few months back ~$70 each. But lately I have been sawpping them out for new ones from Creative Werks Inc. They run about $90 each. I currently have two 19" actuators for sale on eBay if you are interested.

No updates for awhile. Have
No updates for awhile. Have you made any more progress? I’ve realy enjoyed watching Peter Rush develop.

Taking a break
I have been so busy with work and school, I figured I would take a little break. Besides, I have gotten sidetracked with another bot.

Can you place here a video with your biped walking?

im very curious to see what will happen.