PAROVOZ: 6WD all-terrain robot platform

A long time ago (15 years to be precise) as an undergraduate I messed around in a robotics lab and even participated in a robotics competition in France. Te revive the sweet memories of my youth I recently decided to build a robot. My involvement with the robotics before has been on the programming side only, so I wanted to start with something relatively simple, yet functional enough to build my later projects upon.

Thus, inspired greatly by Mr. Russell Cameron's 6 wheel design (, I decided to come up with a 6WD all-terrain robotics platform of my own. Since I was completely new to building robots, an obvious choice was to go with some standard robotics components. After researching into various systems (Lego, Minds-I, Tetrix) I made a choice to use VEX components, due to their (relatively) modest pricing and high structural strength. I also use VEX 393 motors, 7.2V NiMH battery pack and a 75MHz FM 6-channel transmitter.

However, VEX system lacks a few components for an all-terrain chassis, namely the wheels and shock absorbers. So I used the Dagu Wild Thumper wheels

which come with hub adapters that fit perfectly on VEX 4mm square shafts. For the shocks absorbers I went with the 100mm shocks for large RC trucks

With all these components I designed and assembled a chassis with 6 independently suspended wheels, each driven by a separate VEX 393 motor. While I have a VEX PIC microcontroller, for now the platform is controlled via a simple custom electronic box that contains a Sabretooth 2x12 RC motor controller

paired with a GWS 75Mhz FM receiver

that appears to be perfectly compatible with VEX transmitter unit (with appropriately chosen crystals).

Now that the platform is complete, I am having lots of fun driving it around. The video shows some basic functionality and an indoor test drive. Note that the top of the frame is now open, but is it designed to be closed with two VEX plates, which creates a large flat space to mount any sort of on-board equipment. I think I might equip the platform with a robotic arm in the future.

If you like my design and are interested in building something similar, I will be happy to provide detailed instructions and more close-up shots of how the suspension works. Please don't judge my design too strictly, as it is the first robot that I ever build. I must say that going from the programming side to mechanical and electrical side has been a challenging but greatly satisfying experience.

Below are some pics of the robot:

Drives in rough terrain

  • Actuators / output devices: 6 VEX 393 motors
  • Control method: R/C 75MHz FM Futaba compatible
  • CPU: Sabertooth 2x12 RC
  • Power source: 7.2V NiMH 3000mAh
  • Target environment: indoor, outdoor, rough terrain

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


Nice Configuration Dedoslav

That’s a great chassis,

That’s a great chassis, clean build!!!

The video shows his abilities very good. Smooth and steady climbing obstacles and even the slope he mastered perfect.

As for your first robot I am impressed. Yes, please share all details you have, I am sure many of our members will appreciate that.

Very Nice!


Very nice chassis!

Thank you for the kind

Thank you for the kind words!

I will take off one of the wheels and will take close-up pics of one of the suspension arms. Since all 6 of them are the same, it should provide enough details for someone who may want to replicate my design.

Thank you!

Thank you!

Great Design!


Motor election and speed

Hi there Dedoslav!

First of all: what an amazing job! Congratulations! I’m truly impressed! In fact, I’m in love with that 6x6 beast as I want to build myself something similar.

I have a few of questions if you don’t mind:

How much cost all the pieces roughly?

Why did you chose those motors? Do you have some cheaper anternative?

Is it “waterproof”, at least “splashproof”?

If I want to rise the chasis so I can have more clearance underneath, whould you recommend using “punisher shafts” at all or do you think I would lose a lot of strength or I would get problems with traction?

Any help is more than welcome!

Thank you so much!

Look so great!

l really like your design and are interested in building it. You kindly offer to give the detailed instructions and more close-up shots of how the suspension works. I want to try to build exactely the same! Where did you get the parts?
That will be so great if you can help here :wink:
Thank you so much! 

Hello @dedoslav !

This project is excellent, it shows great work with the motor control and the RC receiver. Have you planned to make it completely autonomous?

Great work! Looks durable. Roughly, how much time would the battery last?