Hi everyone, I’m new and came here via the shop after getting very confused about what I’m needing to buy for my project. I’m in the UK and working on a bespoke wheelchair design/ build (with an engineer) for myself.
I’m looking at a few different options for bases including an omni-directional platform, max size 600mm x 600mm and weight bearing to about 100kg. Ideally I’m looking for a ready made or kit form platform so we can do some tinkering and try it out with my seat, but I’m having trouble finding anywhere selling them so am unsure if pre-built ones exist to buy?
If not I could really do with some help on what components I’d need from the robot shop to make one please? Initially this is just as a rough prototype for exploration on what works/doesn’t and is possible etc so I’m looking for the easiest, basic option to start with
Heres a couple of links to the kind of thing I’m looking for/ to build in case my written explanation is rubbish
And this is a link to a dance wheelchair with a base thats very close to what we’re working on, but maybe bigger than I’m after? On the second link theres more info under the ‘adaptive recreation’ heading
Joy Ride: New Wheelchair Offers Freedom of Movement and Expression - Inventors Digest
Any advice on the above, or info from anyone whos built this type of platform for anything, would be very appreciated.