Off Road Tires

Right, they won’t fit. :wink: You will have to look at either the Road Rage, Road Hawg or Speed Hawg: … XLN12&P=ML … XDU17&P=ML … XDU03&P=ML

The truck version of the Dirt Hawg is nothing like the buggy version you are using on the 4WD1. The Speed Hawg is kinda similar in tread pattern… … /starz.htm

Id get something like this IMO, for my next bot. Not sure if this is something to be used on the 4WD rovers, but they seem to be rugged tires that can go over anything!

I really like the look and tread of the Speed Hawg. I think it would look great on the 4WD1. :slight_smile:


Hello A-Bot,

I have the hub designed and have chosen a rim for the 4WD changover. Looks like we are going with the Traxxas 3675 (not pictured). I found that the majority of the rims have a similar offset, but I was surprized to see the big offset difference from Traxxas front and rear rim. The front rim is in line with the other manufactures, but the rear is way different. I’m buying all kinds of tires and rims to make sure the hubs will work on different rims. So what’s up with the Traxxas rear rim anyway? Oh, I measured the distance from the outermost part of the rim to the inner part where the 12mm hex pattern mates.

Hello Jim, :slight_smile:

That’s a good question. The only logical explanation for a deeper offset, which normally results in a shorter wheelbase, is that the rear suspenion arms are longer. But why would they be longer?

It must be a design parameter which allowed them to mount the shock at a sharper angle by pushing the lower shock mount point out a little farther. These companies will often try to re-use components when making new vehicles, so my guess here is that the original Rustler was spec’d with an existing shock that was a little too long, so this is the design that resulted… :unamused: There could be other explanations though.

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I would encourage you to at least take a look at some of the RPM wheels if you have not already done so: … /index.htm

This will be great. :slight_smile: I am really hoping the new hub will fit some of the cool RPM wheels. I’m going to get new tires (probably the Proline Bow Tie T) for WALTER because I think that tread will be better for all around indoor roaming. For an outdoor rover, I’d love to use some of the RPM Monster Truck tires (Clawz, Spider, and Titan come to mind). So, I hope you will do some test fitting with some of the RPM wheels too. :slight_smile: The Spider wheel would look so cool in the sunshine.


FYI, the Spider and Titan are not available with the 12mm hub. The monster truck wheels have a 17mm hex hub. Only the 1/10 wheels are available with that hub, so the Clawz are the only option of the three you mentioned for the 12mm hub that Jim is developing.

That would be nice if they were 8)

Hi Jim,

I am presently putting together a 4WD1 and gluing the Pro-Line tires onto the Pro-Line rims was a real learning experience.

The tires are mounted to the rims all right, but I could have done better.

I was thinking of buying another two sets of the TRC-01 tire/rim combos and applying what I learned with the first set.

However, if you are going to come up with new tire/rim combos for the 4WD Rovers, I think that I will hold off buying the TRC-01 tire/rim combo in favor of whatever new combo you come up with for the 4WD1 Rover.

You sound like the new combo will be a definite improvement over the Pro-Line parts. Any idea as to when the new tire/rim combos will be available for purchase?


I have the tires and rims here. I’m just waiting for the hubs to get here…

Hi Jim,

What tires for the 4WD1 are you going to use with the Traxxas 3675 rims?

The people presently have the Traxxas 3675 rims on sale for $3.00 per pair. Most of the other on-line hobby outlets are selling the Traxxas 3675 for around $4.00 per pair. Hope that the reduced price at eHobbies does not mean that they are going to be discontinued!


Here is where RPM talks about putting air holes in the tire rather than the wheel/rim. I think this is interesting, since it appears to go against everything others are saying.



You have to take this information in context, which is competitive RC racing. Those guys always run in dirt at very high RPMs, and they wear out a set of racing tires pretty quickly. These vehicles chew up the ground and spit it out.

For a rover, it really doesn’t matter at all, so I’d keep the air holes in the wheel where they can’t be seen. It’s not like a slow rover is going to be picking up a lot of wheel dirt or flinging dirt out of tire holes for that matter.

Hi A-bot,

I wound up putting the vent holes in the rims per the Lynxmotion wheel assembly instructions.

However, I questioned Jim about the size of the vent hole which the instructions indicated should be 3/16" in diameter. To me, this seems a little on the large size given the hole sizes that I have seen on other rims.
Perhaps the hole size should have been 3/32" in diameter which is just under an 1/8 of an inch.



I’m getting the Striker II from Proline untill something cheaper comes along. I don’t think the rims are going anywhere.

Im making custom Aluminum rims at my highschool metal shop class. im going to be welding the 6mm hubs directly to them to create one solid wheel. Where can I get foam insert tires approxmately 6-10 inches??

Sorry, I must have missed it. I never drill holes in the rims. I passed on all of the information from Proline the manufacturer, but personally I just don’t drill the holes.

The holes don’t matter on a rover. With the holes, the tire can compress a little more, which improves traction a bit and prevents bounce when jumping. These little details are only relevant to RC dirt racers.

Just get some high density foam from JoAnn or whatever fabric store you have in your area and cut it to fit. I have some of this at home: … rce=search

They will cut you off a small piece so you don’t have to buy a big roll.

thanks, Im sure I can use this for something, but im more interested in where I can get actual tires (without rims) that I can fit to this rim. IDK the size yet but im thinking bigger than what we at LM normally use. Preferably foam insert tires. Thanks.